Control the message

the Repubs want to extend the Bush tax cuts to wealthy Americans....for those of you buying into the idea that's a good thing consider this. First and foremost, contrary to what you have been told, Americans making LESS THAN $250,000 PER YEAR have received A TAX CUT

The President wants to continue tax cuts for Americans that make less than 250,000K while increasing taxes on the wealthy....for those of you folk WHO DO NOT MAKE more than 250,000K a year and think that's a good idea, you truly amaze me but think about this, the USA has the lowest tax rate in the if you really want Bill Gates, Oprah, Buffet and all people who make more than you, to pay LESS taxes, while you pay more to make up for the lost revenue...don't suggest they relocate to another country.

If you can find the time to post on threads that report doom and gloom, find the time to counter that doom and gloom with accurate messages.

I'm not trying to censor anyone, but keep it balanced, [[actually tip the scale in your favor if you TRULY are concerned about Repubs/Tp) but don't allow the Fox Noise MACHINE type reports to take up all the airwaves , forums, blogs..... SDF!