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Nikki (45rpmgal)
Username: 45rpmgal

Post Number: 3
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 11:41 am: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I have not been to SD for over a week (just after I joined the new forum) due to the fact that our house (and many others on our block) were brutally vandalized by a bunch of teenage boys. They came from a neighboring "community" here in the Poconos and entered our peaceful quiet community by foot thru the woods! A boulder the size & weight of a bowling ball was thrown thru our family room window one nite at 3 am (while we were home) causing much damage and splattering hundreds of pieces of glass all over the room. They did NOT rob anyone - just did major damage! (What is their purpose????) Although the police and security were on the case as much as possible, 3 days later these kids came back for a repeat performance in the same area, and upscaled it to now throwing molitov cocktails (spelling?) into car windshields and other house windows! (I believe there have been over 20 houses/cars affected, or more!) For a week no-one slept or had any peace. All our music projects were put "on hold" as we were terrified the whole time. All the neighbors around here, as well as security tried their best and bonded together to help, console, and respect each other's issues pertaining to this. Yesterday (Easter Sunday), the 3 teenagers (ages 17 and 18) were found and arrested! When asked by the police WHY they did this, their answer was they "were bored"! Anyway, that was our Easter "treat", the arrest of these villians! We are still awaiting contractors for repairs, and we are told by the police that at some point we should get restitution for our damages. I know this has nothing to do with music but I am wondering how and why kids do things like this out of "boredom" and how their parent(s) let them get away with it. It's been quite an ordeal, but I am back on line now, and will have alot of new threads and messages to catch up with eventually. The old saying "Do you know where your kids are" holds so true.

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Nosey (nosey)
Username: nosey

Post Number: 8
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 11:52 am: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Nikki: My heart and prayers go out to you, your family and your neighbors. Unfortunately, I have no answers for you but I do believe that those "bored" teenagers may come from good, decent, homes whose parents are just as exasperated as you are.

I've been through the teenage years and sometimes you can have children who are just oppositionally defiant and are hellbent on creating mischief. Thank God my children didn't do those kinds of things and if they did, there would have been no way that I would have upheld them in their wrongdoings.

I pray that you and your neighbors can heal from this horrific incident.
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Moe (moe)
Username: moe

Post Number: 7
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 12:06 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I feel for you & your neighbors!! How long will it take to finally take to get a peaceful night's sleep in your neighborhood? That's awful!! It's the same here in my town- all the kids say they're bored. There can't be "nothing to do" in every neighborhood!! And although some very decent parents are shocked as to their kids' behavior, there are those parents who don't seem to care. I lived in fear of the fact that if I screwed up my dad would beat the living crap out of me, so I didn't misbehave! Nowdays, I know some kids in my neighborhood that called the cops on THEIR parents for hitting them (and boy did those kids deserve it).
It's like my friends say: they have watch their kids now with 12 pairs of eyes & 12 pairs of ears!! Again, I feel so sorry for you!!
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mel(andthensome) (mel)
Username: mel

Post Number: 21
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 12:09 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Nikki and family
sorry to hear about the trauma you have been through.Senseless and ignorant thats the whole problem regards a lot of the youth not just from today but from years down the line.
At least thats my view from the youth around my area over the years.
I hope you can get things back to normal and that nothing ever like this happens again to you or anyone else.

I have had my place turned over by burglars in the past twice,but never had anything as drastic as what you have been through.

When I was growing up we all got into fights or whatever but there was never any of that smashing peoples windows just for the fun of it.

I hope all is well and just want you to know that were all thinking of you.

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BankHouseDave (bankhousedave)
Username: bankhousedave

Post Number: 18
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 12:41 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I'm with you, Mel. We got into all kinds of scrapes when we were kids and teenagers, but there was none of this mindlessness. I'm wondering whether it has to do with the fact that we knew the value of things. We weren't just given everything we wanted and we didn't spend all our time watching TV or being 'interactive'. There was far too much stuff going on to get bored.
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Moe (moe)
Username: moe

Post Number: 8
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 1:27 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I have a friend who is a physician who was doing school physicals. A girl came for a physical & she was cussing out her father. "Why?" said my friend. "Because he didn't get me the car I wanted for my birthday." "What did you get?" he asked. "A BMW" she said. "What's wrong with a BMW?" She replied "it wasn't a convertible."
Go figure, guys!!!!!!!
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Greg C. (greg_c)
Username: greg_c

Post Number: 1
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 4:37 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)


I had a similiar incident about six years ago in my neighborhood so I can empathize. I live in an historic area of Brooklyn and we were terrorized by young kids who came through after school daily on the regular and threw large rocks at our houses. The damage was tremendous! It wasn't until we placed pressure on the local police to do something, that they started to patrol our neighborhod and the incidents stopped.

What makes young people do this kind of thing? I work with young people with social and drug problems and I can tell you it's reached epidemic proportions. There is a tremendous breakdown in society and you have lots of young people being raised with inadequate or no parental supervision. In a lot of instances you have "Babies having babies" and a lot of these folks have NO idea how to raise a child. They have no values or appreciation for what others have worked hard to accomplish so consequently their only objective is to destroy. I do what I can in the field but I tell you it's a losing battle...
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Eli (phillysoulman)
Username: phillysoulman

Post Number: 30
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 5:24 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

My feeling is that the punishment for juvenile offenders is MUCH too lenient.
There should be some kind of heavily guarded work camps where these knuckleheads can be sent to for a MINIMUM of twenty five years---no parole and no probation---PERIOD!!!
If drug related, than LIFE times two!!
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count (the_count)
Username: the_count

Post Number: 9
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 7:33 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

NIKI,what a terrible thing,but it's going on everywhere as we speak,just so glad your allright and safe.The BS thing about it is when you katch these dorks and take matters into your own hands, they're set free and us adults pay the price and punishment.I got time and had to pay restatution for breaking a punks snot locker after katching him and his friend trying to break into my neighbors house when i lived in Garden City.
They should re-instate the draft and send all the punks to war,wether it's gang, drug, vandalisum,
etc.Under 21, off to war or time in the big cell staring with 10 years for the the first 15 years.
We were no angels by no means, but had respect for other peoples property, maybe wax a few windows durring devils nite,or had some rumbles here and there.In the good ol (50's--60's) we did time in DE.HO.CO. just for drag racing on the streets.
I had in 1963 18 points before they finally kaught up with me and spent 12 day's in dehoco, just for tickets,the maximum was 12 points,so i guess i got away with it for awhile.But nothing was destruction back then for fun or kicks.
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Lynn Bruce (lynn_bruce)
Username: lynn_bruce

Post Number: 8
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 11:30 am: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Here in Detroit about two weeks ago a guy was yelling and threatning his ex-girl friend in the front of her familys house. Then he started to kick in the front door to get to her. Well,he got something allright! The girls father had a pistol and when he stepped inside he shot him dead!! The man said he was just protecting his family,and he was.

If I were king--. kids commiting the kind of vandalisim you had Nikki would be taken to the school they attended and bent over in front with all their friends watching and whipped.When I went to school the teachers had paddles with holes drilled in them and never hesitated to use them if we got out of line. I didn't like it but you sure thought twice before you messed up!!

Then I,d turn them over to Bobby Eli for his turn with the little bastards.
It's time to lower the boom on these dis respectful little assholes. They're bored!! We'll "board "their little asses.

Excuse me now while I go chant my mantra and think of peace,love and
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Nosey (nosey)
Username: nosey

Post Number: 12
Registered: 4-2004
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Posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 11:58 am: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I don't approve of violence but if you cross my threshold your arse is mine! btw, I hope the gun was registered.

(Message edited by Nosey on April 13, 2004)
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Lynn Bruce (lynn_bruce)
Username: lynn_bruce

Post Number: 9
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 12:39 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

The paper didn't say. For the fathers sake,I hope it was also. A police officer interviewed seemed to think he had every right to defend his family with a crazed adult male kicking in his door.
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Nikki (45rpmgal)
Username: 45rpmgal

Post Number: 4
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:51 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Thanx to all of you above for your support and your comments! I strongly agree that the kids of today get off wayyyyy too easy. I agree 100% with Eli & Lynn on how to treat them. I fully recognize that these type of violent acts can and do happen everywhere -- communities, big cities, small cities, small towns, rich & poor areas, etc. etc.! The 3 kids that wrecked our properties here looked fairly well groomed, neat haircuts, etc. I am fully aware that crimes are done by people from all types of backgrounds, ethnics, and neighborhoods. Yes, we are thankful that no-one got hurt. The tangible items can be replaced (it's only $$$$$) but it will take some time to heal the emotional scars and fears. There is no dollar value on those. One thing I didn't mention was that the initial State trooper who came to our house the nite of the incident, made a snide comment that "New Yorkers are coming here and bringing crime with them"!!! As I was shaking and crying bitterly that nite seeing all the glass and damage, although I heard his unkind and totally out-of-place comment, I did not respond. (What good would it have done anyway???!!!) The irony of it is that the kids who did this, were NOT from NY, nor any other BIG city! I have been born and raised in NY having lived in Queens & Long Island most of my life, and for awhile in Manhattan on West 50th Street while I was attending business school. Our reason for moving to the country and to a nice peaceful community in the mountains was to enjoy nature and hiking (our other passions besides music), fresh air, etc. We were leaving NY to get away from the very high county taxes we were paying, and the cost of living on Long Island was above our "pocketbooks" at that time! But I will always be a New Yorker in my heart, and am proud to say I am one! Despite this one cop's inappropriate comment (at a certainly bad time), all the other police officers and security people we dealt with were wonderful, professional, caring, and considerate. Thanks again to all of you for your kind comments. That's one thing I notice about this forum (besides all the knowledge that is shared and gained), is the bonding of some of the members here to those you never met or even communicated with via email. Blessings to all,

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Kevin Goins - KevGo (kevgo)
Username: kevgo

Post Number: 25
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2004 - 5:20 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Sorry for joining this conversation pretty late.

Thank God you and your family are all right and these perpetraitors are in the hands of the authorities.

It's sad to see such a breakdown in values, respect and knowing right from wrong. It's my hope that the justice system makes sure the punishment fits the crime and these youngsters do their time.

Kevin Goins - KevGo

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~medusa~ (~medusa)
Username: ~medusa

Post Number: 45
Registered: 3-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Sunday, May 02, 2004 - 12:48 am: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

It's my hope that the Parents get more control of their kids and spend more time with them, show, teach and give them love. These kids are out in the streets because no one cares for them and they know it,so they feel hopeless, confused, lonely & loveless, they have no rhyme or reason to be decent people....they need mentors, but most of all, they need love and attention from their Parents.
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Nikki (45rpmgal)
Username: 45rpmgal

Post Number: 31
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Sunday, May 02, 2004 - 12:44 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Being that this thread is brought up again, I will give updates. First Kevgo, thanx also for your messege of support. Medusa, thanx for your post. Yes, I agree in many cases it's the parents. These kids come from a good community and looked well dressed (not poor). It's the system that really bothers me. It's now about a month since they've damaged 15 homes and cars on our street. The total damages totalled over $28,000! They came back 3 times to this street with maliscious intent to damage properties of people they don't know or never met! One time they threw a molitov coctail into one of the cars or houses they already hit the first time! According to what I hear from security here, they are "expected" to be charged with multiple felonies, including criminal mischief, attempted arson, and conspiracy. These were all planned out ventures by these 3 kids. This was not a case where they partied a litte too much and had too much to drink (or too many drugs) and got crazy! They PLANNED their every move! The oldest kid (age 19) I hear will be arrested but he "went to New Jersey for a few days" and his parents "promised" the police that he "will return shortly"!! Excuse me!!! He just committed multiple felonies and he's still "on the loose" and able to go to another state????!!! Something's wrong here! The second one was one day short of 18th birthday, and they are still not sure if he will be tried as an adult or a juvenile! If he's tried as an adult, he MAY get jail time (or bail)! If juvenile, who knows! The third kid (age 15) was already out on probation, and from I hear, he will just again be on probation! So what does that mean????!!! Personally I feel something is grossly wrong with the system. It seems that with multiple felonies and viscious intent as they had, they should have been put in jail once found, at least until their hearing is set. Meanwhile they are free to come and go. I hope things turn out better, but I've begun to lose faith with this situation. Meanwhile we are trying to get on with our lives, but still feel angered and upset with the whole situation. Sorry to rant here, but since this thread came up again, thought I would post the updates. Thanx again to everyone for your support.


(Message edited by 45rpmgal on May 02, 2004)
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GOAT (goat)
Username: goat

Post Number: 51
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Sunday, May 02, 2004 - 6:03 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I think this kind of thing has two roots.

First. Today's kids have too much time on their hands, too much money, and parents that are not around.

Second. There is nothing for kids to do today. No swimming areas. No fun to be had. Unless of course it costs money.

Society as a whole is just running rampant. It's all about me, me, me. And this is reflecting in the way children act.

Religion has taken a back seat to work, and personal duties to whatever.

I think that as a society we need to put religion back on course, teach children the proper way to behave. Don't be afraid to discipline. Slow down and spend time with family. And keep the gov't out of personal business. We can change our society if we want. Money isn't everything!
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Juicefree20 (juicefree20)
Username: juicefree20

Post Number: 479
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 12:42 am: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

What you've said is true. Let me expand on this further. The problem is that America & its politicians have become a bunch of ass kissing idiots. Now, when we were growing up, they had
prayer. Now, they talk about separation of church & state. Everywhere you look, God is being
stripped away systematically. Now, we have to pander to every group who is offended by the
concept of God. They have rights, don't you know?

Now, America was allegedly founded on freedom of speech & the freedom to worship as you chose.
However, in todays society, the very mention of God or a Superior Being gives cause to alarm. Now
we see court cases where athiests sue schools, because they don't want their children to hear
the word GOD.

It's funny that they don't believe in God, or a Supreme Being. Yet they have no problem with
making & spending money. Seeing as how that's the case, I have one solution for these
knuckleheads: Give me every last one of those dollars, you damn hypocrites.

You can't possibly want them, as I'm certain that they offend your sensibilities. After all,
every time you look at a dollar, what's printed on it???? IN GOD WE TRUST!!! As you're so
offended by this concept, perhaps you can go somewhere where perhaps they pay in pesos or
rubles, maybe even drachmas!!! Hypocrites!!!

Not to knock any God fearing Christians, but, I've got to say this. We have many Christians
who keep trying to re-invent the wheel. Now, either you believe in God, or you don't. If you
do believe, then I have to assume that you surely must believe in His word: The Holy Bible.
If this is true, why do so many alleged Christians try to twist the Word to suit their own causes???

Case in point: recently we had this whole Gay marriage furor. Now, I don't care if a person
is Gay or not, it's not my business. However, it's not my opinion that counts, it's The Holy
Bible, the book that Christians follow, that speaks volumes on this topic. I'm not getting
into a diatribe regarding this. The point is that The Bible weighs in on this, yet, some
"Christians" seek to manipulate the Bible for their own purposes. My point is this: either you believe, or, you don't believe. It's that simple. However, if you claim to believe, then, you must have something to follow as a foundation for your belief. The problem comes when you choose to follow some parts of the guide, while ignoring other parts at your convenience. This is done, pardon the pun,

Second case in point: In recent years preceding the 911 attacks, we had militias in suburbs of
Michigan & Illinois, training & preparing their kids for a race war...the big World War, or so
these folks thought.

After 911, a spark of patriotism swept America. Some people were ready to jump on anyone who looked Arabic, regardless of their religious affiliation. We were all Americans & proud. However, in recent months, we've seen the re-emergence of hate groups & their rhetoric. Now, it's back to business as usual, it's ok to hate Americans again. The internet is full of these types of groups, hatred is still alive & well in America.

Final case in point: We are at "War" & it's supposed to be righteous. However, our
leadership is attacking a country that: A) They supplied with weapons during the Iran
Hostage Crisis of 1979. B) Had nothing directly to do with 911. C) The whole world was against attacking. D) Our leadership insisted upon attacking...with or without the worlds blessing. E) Happens to have a great deal of oil. F) Some Americans feel deserve to be attacked, because....well our leadership says that it's the patriotic thing to do.

Somehow, some Americans find that there's nothing wrong with what's going on in Iraq & they're so wrong about that. If you point out where it's wrong, they come up with some way of
distorting it into a lack of patriotism. However, most of us have no vested interest there.

We won't gain even one job from this. American companies will continue to downsize, lay-off &
outsource our good old American jobs. We'll be
the ones who have to run out of buildings, worry
about riding the trains, dealing with the aftermath of our leaders policies & greed.
The big boys will continue to eat real well. The question becomes: Will we???

I won't even touch on the crap that the kids are assaulted with daily through various forms of
entertainment & the media. However, if you just consider some of what I've described & the
hypocracy of it all, what the hell can we expect from these kids?? These kids are being shown by
our countrys' leadership that might makes right. They're being taught that violence is an
acceptable way to solve problems. Why should you have to be right when you can simply overwhelm someone when you're angry?

The adults, with their hypocritical posturings, hateful ways & intolerance of anything they disagree with, set no good example for the the youth of today. On the one hand many of us speak self righteously, yet, act quite differently when it suits our purposes. Yet, we don't expect the kids to see through our bullshit. It's the old story of "Don't do as I do, do as I say do". It's hypocritical & these kids know it. These kids get nothing but negative messages & images daily. When your leadership shows no remorse
about violence & shows arrogance toward people who are deemed "inferior", what signal does that send out?

Oh well, the band plays on!


(Message edited by Juicefree20 on May 03, 2004)

(Message edited by Juicefree20 on May 03, 2004)

(Message edited by Juicefree20 on May 03, 2004)
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Vonnie (vonnie)
Username: vonnie

Post Number: 64
Registered: 3-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 12:53 am: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)


The only thing I can add to your post is the lack of respect for elders that is so pervalent today. When I was growing up we respected every adult there was in our neighborhood. We knew that if we did wrong we would be chastised by the adult and also by our parents.
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Juicefree20 (juicefree20)
Username: juicefree20

Post Number: 482
Registered: 4-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 1:56 am: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I agree with you Vonnie. When I was about 4 years old, I ran out into the street, trying to get the Good Humor man. A car almost hit me & my neighbor was so scared that he shook me & hit me on the butt. My father got home & I got spanked. Our neighbors truly watched out & God help you if they caught you acting up.

Again, a lot of this falls on the dumb ass, ignorant "parents" of today. When my son was in grade school, a kid got his head stuck in the wrought iron fence on the schools' steps. Rather than chastize the child, what do you think the stupid parent did? She attacked a school-aide because she said that it was the aides fault that the kid put his head throught the fence.

Here's another example: In my building a few years ago, two cousins aged about 3 & 4, got into a fight as kids often will. Now, they all lived in the same apartment. The two mothers (who were sisters), got into an argument. When the childrens fathers got home, they got into a fight, which ended with one of them chasing the other into the hallway & shooting at him! This was family!

This same family was so screwed up that the aunts & uncles couldn't chastize their nieces or nephews. They were so screwed up that the GRANDMOTHER couldn't even chastize the kids!!! Imagine that. Little wonder that one of the precious darlings is now walking around with 5 bullets in him, as he was untouchable & thought that he was bad.

There are countless other example of this sort of "parenting". How about the mother who has kids only to remain on P.A.? Or the parent who curses out an infant, because the child can't keep up with her pace while walking? I could go on & on, but the fact remains that too many parents are not doing their job. For the parents who are doing the right thing, society continually undermines them & their kids have to contend with children who act as though they've been raised in a wolfpack.

Too many parents are quick to defend their child, whether the kid is right or wrong. How many times have we heard about the career criminal who was a "good boy" after being killed after committing a crime? A lot of these "kids" are violent predators & have criminal records that are as long as their arms. When they get what's coming to them due to their chosen "vocation", friends & family are up in arms. You see, he was a good boy. Forget about all of his victims, he wasn't "THAT BAD"!

BULL!!! There's too much condoning of wrong. No sense of right or wrong. Just weak denials & justification of their "baby" & his misdeeds & it's really tired. And everyone wonders what's wrong with the kids? Some of these "parents" shouldn't even be allowed to raise fish, much less another human being.

We have parents with no income to speak of, saying things like: Where's my money, I want my check. As though a welfare check is a birthright. This mindset sometimes runs generations deep. What about the fools that have no jobs, but manage to have cell phones & their kids dress in designer clothes & $150 Air Jordans?

The super of my building & his wife send their kids to come & beg for money. They have so little pride due to their drinking & drug habits, that they would have their children do their bidding. What message are they sending their kids & furthermore, do they even care? They're so busy fighting, calling each other all kinds of MFs that they can't be worried about their kids. They're too busy chasing the genie.

How can a child learn respect when half of these parents don't act respectful? Even worse, where is a child to learn respect from if the parent doesn't even respect THEMSELVES??? Look at the behavior of some of these grown folks. The way they act is ridiculous & it's a sad commentary on our society & how far it's fallen.
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GOAT (goat)
Username: goat

Post Number: 55
Registered: 4-2004
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Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 4:59 pm: ��Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post���Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Great posts JuiceFree!!

The only thing I will have to disagree on is the gay marriage.
I believe that by LAW a person should have the right to same-sex marriage. But a religion does NOT have to perform the ceremony.

As long as each religious group has their freedom to practise their religion, I don't see any harm in keeping with the word of God.
North America is made up of a Christian society. Most nations will not even allow you to practise anything but "their" religion. So folks who want to worship whoever may do so, but don't bring my religion down because it is not the same as yours. I don't do that to them, so don't do that to me.

In all honesty, I can't add anything more. You nailed each one down perfectly.


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