Quote Originally Posted by daviddesper View Post
Not related to the music world in the strictest sense although she did make it a point to have top guest stars from various genres of music on her show. I am referring to the hysterical and outrageous Dame Edna Everage, portrayed by British comedian Barry Humphries, who died recently at the age of 89.

Her outfits, which always included the most elaborate glasses she could find, were the highlight of each episode of her own syndicated show and whatever guest appearances she made. Her catchphrase which seemed to begin every performance was "Helllllllllllooooo Possums!"

She performed until very late in life and was right up there with Hyacinth Bucket when it came to British comediennes poking fun at themselves and their exaggerated senses of what was considered "high society."

Dame Edna, you will be missed!
Lovely tribute! However Barry was Australian by birth and relocated to London in the 1960's. Dame Edna was an hilarious creation and i never tire of watching her shows and guest appearances. I was fortunate enough to see Barry in a live setting. It was one of the best live shows i ever witnessed. He was even planning yet another UK Tour just prior to his passing. One of the all time greats in my opinion and he will be sorely missed. Luckily he left us with some hilarious footage, much of which is thankfully on youtube.