I just saw "SITSOM" and "The MC5: A True Testimonial" in the same weekend!!!

Discuss Detroit: SoulfulDetroit Temporary: I just saw "SITSOM" and "The MC5: A True Testimonial" in the same weekend!!!
Top of pageBottom of page   By mhc ( - on Saturday, September 21, 2002 - 08:49 pm:

The Woodstock (NY) Film Festival is happening here this weekend. Last night my wife and I saw the Funk Brothers film in a packed house with a rapt audience. The film is a beautiful and moving document, and musically killer. Also, the film looks classy and expensive and seems like a potential winner in a commercial sense. It's filled with music that America knows and wholeheartedly loves, and they've already got distibution and some kind of corporate backing from Microsoft (I forget the details). And it has a bittersweet but happy and uplifting ending, I thought. You see and hear the guys bring the music to life and rekindle the bonds amongst themselves, and it's really magical. I loved the MC5 movie, but there's no happy ending here, not a trace of one. It's a very dark tale. But my memory of them as one of the greatest, hardest-working, most intense and exciting Rock bands I ever saw was validated by this movie. And it's about a lot more that some guys who wanted to be Rock Stars (or I should say that it's about that and more..). Anyway I was very moved by these two films and recommend them to anyone who gets a chance to see them. In both instances, I was in contact with the films' producers since before Day One, so I know what an uphill battle it was to get them made. If you love Detroit music, these two films will blow you away.

Top of pageBottom of page   By SisDetroit ( - on Saturday, September 21, 2002 - 11:53 pm:

MHC - "THANK YOU!!!!!" I can hardly wait.

Top of pageBottom of page   By ErikT.O. ( - on Sunday, September 22, 2002 - 12:17 am:

I missed 'SITSOM' in T.O. (had to work, day time screenings only) but lemme say the tears almost came rolling during the MC5 flick, full & hyped crowd for its midnight Wednesday screening to boot! I saw Babbitt on CITY TV, too... hiya Babbitt!

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