Whatever happened to the Detroit based group Dreamboy,Who got signed to Quincy Jones label Qwest Records?

SoulfulDetroit.com FORUM: Archive - Ending April 16, 2004: Whatever happened to the Detroit based group Dreamboy,Who got signed to Quincy Jones label Qwest Records?
Top of pageBottom of page   By mybrother1 ( on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 09:35 pm:

I would like to know what happened to the talented brothers from Detroit called Dreamboy,"Don't Go", Let's go Out", "I promise", "I want to know your Name","No one can treat me like you", These brothers were seen as the next big stars from Detroit back in 1982, they pick up a trend from Prince and The Time and started there own trendy sound,"Whining to the ladies" and Ready for the World and Kiara soon followed the trend. Ready for the World, from Flint MI, took alittle further cause they were backed by a better record company. Dreamboy could have been REALLY BIG, but they just vanished out of site. I do know that one of it's members (the white boy) went on to greater things Producing the Detroit rapper Eminem. I geuss he don't need Dreamboy anymore cause he is filthy rich now and god bless him. Do anyone know his name? I would like to hear from Dreamboy again. peace Mybrotherone

Top of pageBottom of page   By CORNBREAD ( on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 09:42 pm:

Hi Mybrother1: Checkout the thread : Whatever happened to Detroit group "Kiara". A dude by the name of Vince replied that he used to work with Dreamboy. He even posted his email address.

Top of pageBottom of page   By SPYDER ( on Saturday, April 03, 2004 - 09:53 am:


Top of pageBottom of page   By SPYDER ( on Saturday, April 03, 2004 - 09:56 am:


Top of pageBottom of page   By SPYDER ( on Saturday, April 03, 2004 - 11:21 pm:


Top of pageBottom of page   By vince ( on Sunday, April 04, 2004 - 03:07 am:

Ain't that something, I am glad somebody asked about my boys. If people want to know I'll tell them, spyder you know it, and you also know thru that group before you and I met we heard about one another thru a real close friend to both of us and that was a coincident. While I was working for Dreamboy, I was dating a friend named Sophia and she was a real special friend to me and she used to love the song Don't Go by Dreamboy and used to tell me about her stepfather, his name just happened to be Spyder Turner, of Course Spyder and I didn't formally meet until I arrived in Los Angeles. You see, I started managing a rapper from Detroit named Lord G and his best friend happened to be Spyder Turners son, who we called Doggin D. We didn't know we had so much in common until we finally met and Thats how I met Norman Whitfield thru Spyder Turner. I know this is not the Norman Whitfield thread but all of this works hand in hand, you see the lead singer from Dreamboy who still lives in Michigan and is still my best friend was the guy who sent me to LA when Dreamboy split up. He was the leader of the group and he used to tell me that I would be a good manager or A & R person. He wanted me to go to LA to meet Ed Eckstein, who was the guy who signed Dreamboy to Qwest Records,cause I was looking for work while in LA. Jeff was and still is very talented, he taught me alot of things about music and when I told him I met Spyder Turner and Norman Whitfield, he started telling me about old Motown stories when he grew up. You see he told me he used to sit out in front of Normans house waiting for him to come outside so he could ask him for a job cutting his grass and that alot of other Motown people lived in the neighborhood like Marvin Gaye, Aretha, and Stevie Wonder live, if I can remember on Outer Drive or somewhere like that, but one day he ended up working for Norman Whitfield cutting his grass and used to tell me that Norman always had the baddest cars out of everyone and they were always spitt shining clean. He told me about the song that Spyder Turner had out back then called Stand by me, a remake but was a hit, I knew the song but I didn't know who sang it cause I wasn't from Detroit, then I learned it was my man Spyder Turner it threw me for a loop. Jeff also told me stories about, Like going to Northwestern High School were alot of Motown people went like Norman and some of the Tempts and he shared with me how he felt by going to that school and that's were his musical roots began to flourish. You see, I am not from Detroit, I am from Bay City/Saginaw about 90 miles north of Detroit, so I didn't know about alot of those earlier Motown days like he did, I only heard about them from relatives in Detroit and on TV and every now and then we went to Detroit to visit family, or family reunions and stuff like that. But when I met Jeff from Dreamboy, I was in my freshman year in college. All of this was a coincident to me and a small world cause I met Spyder and Norman in LA and I was in a Dream world myself meeting them both and ended up being both of their friends, what a small world. now that I know a thread opened up about Dreamboy, I am going to tell Jeff about it and I read the others on the thread so for mybrotherone, my man's name is Jeff Bass. Jeff Stanton was the lead singer and guitar player of the group and Jeff Bass (the white boy)was the lead guitarist and he was bad too. Jimi Hunt was the Keyboard player who now lives in Las Vegas, Dewey Twymon was a lead singer and Drummer who now lives in Ohio, Paul Stewart was the Bass player who still plays and lives in Detroit now and Mark Bass was a Road Manager and percussionist and also Jeff Bass brother. Mark was the one who discovered Eminem and he and his brother produced alot of stuff for Eminem, I congratulate both of them on well deserved job they have done and what they have accomplished. There was a few more guys from the Dreamboy days that I met like Kip Ivory, I don't know where he is now and Perry jenkins now in Atlanta. The managers were Carl and Al Taylor good folks and they taught us all alot. I had fun with those brothers from Detroit. Don't let me forget about Dee, the guitar player when the groups name was Foreplay. Dee was a cool brother and I don't know were he is either. But I wish my boys could get back together again and do one last tour with a couple of new songs cause people really didn't get a chance to see those brothers work, they were good. That's were I got my professional start in the music game and I thank them all for the opportunity. Peace Vince

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