Whatever happened to Detroit's own "Kiara"?

SoulfulDetroit.com FORUM: Archive - Ending April 16, 2004: Whatever happened to Detroit's own "Kiara"?
Top of pageBottom of page   By Grubman, Indursky and Shinder ( on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 02:51 pm:

I have their 2 Arista albums 1988's "To Change And/Or Make A Difference", as well as 1990's "Civilized Rogue". Greg Charley & John Winston that make up the group, are two talented individuals that, I feel, never got the recognition they deserved. They recorded one album for the old PolyGram label "Condition Of The Heart" in 1994 ( I never heard that one, but would love to. Anyone know where I can cop it?). What are these guys up to these days?

...... and just for good measure, anyone knows what , this other underrated writer/producer, Bryan Loren is up to? Bryan produced a track on Kiara's 1990 album.

Top of pageBottom of page   By ~medusa~ ( on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 02:56 pm:

I think I remember the 2 Guys who also had their own recording business...they made 1 or maybe 2 good songs and that was it..haven't heard anything since.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Grubman, Indursky & Schinder ( on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 03:08 pm:

Thanks Medusa, but I'm a little confused. When you say "recording business", do you mean record label or recording studio? In addition, what are you referring to when you said "they made 1 or maybe 2 good songs"? I ask this because all their songs are good, IMO. They recorded a duet with Shanice Wilson on their debut album called "Best Of Me" written by Cameo's guitarist Charlie Singleton (who in my opinion never got the accollades he desreved while in the group and solo artist........but that's another story. If you're into Funk, you'll know what I mean)

Top of pageBottom of page   By Vince ( on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 09:23 pm:

Kiara's Greg Charley is a friend of mines but I haven't seen him since 1997 when he was at Red Ant Records writing and producing for other artists. Greg used to work at his parents Ice Cream parlor in OakPark Michigan before their first hit song. I was working for the group DreamBoy also from Detroit at the time and Greg used always kick it with me and ask a bunch of questions about the Dreamboy deal with Qwest Recordings in 1983. Years later, I moved to LA and I got my group Militia signed to Red Ant and bump into Greg, he was producing something on Patti Labelle and Regina Bell Calloway. Greg is very talented and if anyone talks to him or know where to find him, please have him email vince at vaberry@pacbell.net. last I heard he was in Atlanta.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Grubman, Indursky & Shinder ( on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - 01:47 pm:

Thanks Vince for the update !! Good looking man!! Vince, I'd like to ask you a question re: Red Ant Records, what was it like working with Al Teller? If that question touched a bad nerve inside of you, you don't have to answer.

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