Any info on......... FORUM: Archive - Ending April 16, 2004: Any info on.........
Top of pageBottom of page   By MEL&THEN SOME ( on Saturday, March 27, 2004 - 05:37 am:

Any info on a 45 on the
by Carl O'Jones and Betty Everett
'days gone by/her new love'
also on label.


Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Saturday, March 27, 2004 - 10:03 pm:

This record is listed as CJ #674 & was released in 1964. This was recorded for Carl Jones, CJ Records label.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Robb_K ( on Saturday, March 27, 2004 - 10:29 pm:

That was a late release of previously a unreleased recording, or a re-release of a previous issue that didn't sell much, as Betty was long gone from CJ by that time. Jones was trying to take advantage of Betty's chain of recent hits with VJ. I've never heard it, but I'm guessing it's none too good, otherwise it would have done something on the charts in the year it was recorded. I don't remember ever seeing it in the hundreds of thousands of records I looked through at record shops and distributers in Chicago during the '60s and early '70s. If I DID see it, I must have played it and thought it wasn't worth paying 50 cents.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Saturday, March 27, 2004 - 10:45 pm:

Robb, that seems to be accurate. I believe that it might have been released to capitalize on the success of You're No Good & It's In His Kiss. He probably figured that people would buy it since she was on a roll. It wasn't even mentioned in the Chicago Soul book by Robert Preuter. By that time, CJ Records was likely gone. When you consider that her other two releases for CJ were in 1961 & this was released in '64, he probably threw this out there, hoping it might stick. It didn't.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Robb_K ( on Saturday, March 27, 2004 - 11:43 pm:

Not only were those late CJ releases just thrown out there, their recordings at that time were pretty poor quality. They sound like they were done with a one-track and a microphone under a blanket, or someone left the door opened, and the wind was blowing through. However, even among his later releases, he did record some very talented singers (Gloria Fowler, Variations, Charles Gully).

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