Hokey Lyrics

SoulfulDetroit.com FORUM: Archive - Ending April 16, 2004: Hokey Lyrics
Top of pageBottom of page   By Nosey ( on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 07:56 pm:

I just came upon some lyrics I wrote @ 1970 while in a romantic funk! How many of you wrote some things so corny that when you discover them years later you just crack up and say........WHAT WAS I THINKING?!
Millie Jackson was hot at the time and I wrote this with her in mind. Here goes:

Overhaul Our Love

You take better care of your car than you do our love,
When I need a new dress, you buy spark plugs,
You always make sure you keep a set of new tires,
But our love baby is losing its fire,
So overhaul our love if you want it to last,
If not, then baby, you'll be a thing of the past.

You check your oil everytime you gas up,
When I ask for some money you tell me to shut up,
But when your carbureator started giving you trouble,
There you go with my rent money right on the double
So overhaul our love if you want it to last,
If not, then baby, you'll be a thing of the past.

When your transmission went, I footed the bill,
When you were short of cash, I replaced your windshield,
But sincd you won't live up to your end of the deal,
I'll take back my parts and leave you the steel!
So overhaul our love if you want it to last,
If not, then baby, you'll be a thing of the past.


Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 09:55 pm:

Hey Nosey, weren't you the queen of 70s romantic ballads :) I somehow don't see this as a love song, kinda like a funk type thing ala Keep The Home Fires Burning. Let's see if Bobby can add some guitar to this, Dennis to slide a little wah wah in there & we'll figure out the producers & remaining musicians. It can be the first release for KevGo's Libra venture.


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