Racist Thread

SoulfulDetroit.com FORUM: Archive - Beginning March 27, 2004: Racist Thread
Top of pageBottom of page   By David Meikle ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 09:43 am:

I am going to ask you all to show some respect to the owners of this forum.

It is absolutely deplorable what is going on here.

This entertainment is free.

Do not insult us.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Vonnie ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 09:54 am:


Please repost where Ralph admitted he played favorites with Vonnie and Mike. I have not seen that post.


Top of pageBottom of page   By contemplatin usin ALL CAPS ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 10:07 am:

Good God, could this be any more pointless or tiresome? The pettiness is reaching toxic levels on this and a few other threads. Rodmann, please give us all a break and take a sabbatical from SD. Maybe you can find some gay-baiting forum that would suit you and your filty language. Isaiah, for someone so eloquent, you are filled with petty vindictiveness of epic proportions. I never thought I'd find myself missing STUBASS but damn....

(Medusa-none of this is your fault)

Maybe it's time to disappear and work on MY golf swing, and I don't even play golf!

Top of pageBottom of page   By Rodman ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 01:32 pm:

contemplatin usin ALL CAPS, who the hell are you? Maybe YOU can find another forum that will suit your gay-baiting, cowardly style where people are expected not to retaliate using the same filthy language that's been thrown at them. You don't even have enough guts to use your regular username! LOL.

Medusa, I agree that non of this was your fault and I only got involved in this because I saw RD being railroaded in the same manner that I was in that Berry Gordy thread. But let me remind you that you were being blamed LONG BEFORE I ever posted to the topic you started.

Top of pageBottom of page   By SisDetroit ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 05:17 pm:

Geez, I wouldn't want to meet any of you guys after school. If I had gone to any of your schools, I would probably have to run home every day. (LOL) So, my next question is:

How did you get along in high school? What activities, and what crowd did you associate with? Was it the popular crowd, or the Urkels? Was it sports, or was it gangs? Was the report card "Cs" or was it "Ds."

I heard on CNN that the people raised in NY are the most intellect, and articulate, basically, the smartest of the USA.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Shauntrell ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 05:56 pm:

Gee, there's a surprise. New Yorkers claimin' they are smarter than everyone else. I wouldn't expect New Yorkers to claim they are lesser in anything except being the obnoxious Narcissists that they are.....

Top of pageBottom of page   By Shauntrell ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 05:57 pm:

PS....School sucked...

Top of pageBottom of page   By SisDetroit ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 05:59 pm:

I didn't say NY claimed that. A reporter said that on CNN. I don't know how they came up with that information.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Shauntrell ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 06:04 pm:

The New Yorkers will use it as ammo, trust....

Top of pageBottom of page   By KevGo ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 06:10 pm:

As a New York resident since birth, I can honestly say that New Yorkers are no different than anyone else as far as intellect and articulation is concerned.

Granted, our education system can be quite good in many areas of New York State but not in many. To this day, local politicians from NYC are still fighting the state capital and Governor Pataki over funds to help public schools here in the Big Apple. Also, states such as Pennsylvania, Massachusettes and Washington have excellent education systems.

I'm not knocking the state of my birth - I'm proud of my education and upbringing. However, I never considered myself to be most intellectual, articulate or smartest person. If anything, we should be thankful for the gifts we have and use them to the best of our ability to uplift/motivate ourselves and those around us.

Kevin Goins - KevGo

Top of pageBottom of page   By SisDetroit ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 06:20 pm:

KevGo - I agree with you. I don't know how they came up with that information. They were talking about the subject for awhile, giving the criteria. I didn't raise my head until they said NY, but by then they had gone on to something else.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 07:40 pm:

Shauntrell, you shock & surprise me. Actually, you disappoint me. I am a lifetime New Yorker & if I read correctly, CNN made the statement, not New Yorkers. We are guilty of nothing. You, on the other hand, are guilty of rushing to judgement. You made the common mistake of making a statement without having all of the facts & that is wrong. It's very unfair for you to paint New Yorkers, or anyone else, for that matter, with such broad strokes.

That kind of generalizing of people is the same kind of attitude that keeps things such as racism & sexism alive. I would never think to make such a statement about any state, as, I do not have enough knowledge to defend such a stance. There are bad & good of all nationalities, in every state, every continent & in every country. I never even though of Detroit, California, or any other state as being either more intelligent, or, less intelligent than another.

We have quite a cross section of people of various backgrounds & educational levels. How many actual New Yorkers do you know? I know narcisscists from all regions of America & the world as well. I give you credit for having more intelligence & sensitivity than your remarks portray you. You shouldn't generalize, as I doubt that you personally know enough New Yorkers to make such blanket statements. As though New Yorkers are the only obnoxious people in the world. Satements such as yours sound kind of envious & if I were a psychologist (which I'm not), I would probably find that there are some inferiority issues going on here.

You speak of using CNNs report as ammo. Ammo for what??? What CNN has to say isn't going to reduce my rent one thin dime (hey, that sounds like a great title for a song :-]). CNNs report is not going to give us truly affordable housing. CNNs report isn't going to make our school system any better. CNNs report is not going to replace the jobs that we've lost. It's so strange, I was preparing to respond to Keane & his message & was going to inform him about just what's going on in our inner cities. His post is gone & now, I'm responding to yours.

Perhaps, it's because of the diversity & melting pot nature of New York helped form their conclusion. We draw many educated people from many states & countries, there's a lot of money, culture & history here. Mostly, people come here for the money & that's not our fault. What we are are survivors. Many of us come from modest means & we fight & scrap to make it. Frankly, we're just like everyone else, we're trying to make it. Let me assure you of one thing: being a New Yorker grants me no special favors, or privledges anywhere. We New Yorkers have been getting our butts kicked on many fronts & I will tell you, New York is different from most places. We have no silver spoons & when you're Black in New York, there are definitely no free passes by any means, intelligence notwithstanding.

I could say more, but, I'll leave it at that. I don't know what's going on here lately, but, there's been a lot of insults & venom being thrown around here lately.

I'll close by saying that you owe a lot of decent New Yorkers an apology. I hope that no one in this good forum finds this response to be arrogant, or, obnoxious. I somehow believe that you're a better person than your remarks. Even though I did not appreciate your remarks, I will not call you, or the people of your hometown, stupid or ignorant. I simply think that you made a mistake & were defending your fair city against what you considered to be a slight against it. That's loyal & admirable. Hopefully, in the future, you won't feel the need to lash out against people you don't know. It's not right, it's not fair & it's offensive. Even New Yorkers have feelings. What you posted was unfair, Think about it.



Top of pageBottom of page   By SisDetroit ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 08:03 pm:

So, Juicefree 20 - You had to let off steam, huh? (LOL)

I feel like Medusa now. I wish I hadn't posted that. Medusa, HELP!! Just kidding. :o) Let's just pretend I didn't post it.

I do have some good news. The Michigan Chronicle had a great report this week in Steve Holsey's colum. If you can pick up a copy.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 08:47 pm:

Hi Sis. Listen, whenever you post someting with good intentions, you can't control the direction that another person may take it. If you feel that you have something legitimate to say, you should continue to say it. Sis, if someone's itchin for a scrap, you could say that the sky is blue & beef would start over that. I didn't get to see your original post, as I detected that it took many twists & turns from where it began. Both you & Medusa should continue posting anything that you feel is relevant. The problem is that there should be less bile & more respect given one another.

I don't consider myself to be radical or a firestarter. However, if I read something that I think is wrong, I will call anyone on that. Some folks here have a basic insensitivity to others. Some have a hard time relating to what's really going on in the world. Some of them only know what they see on the news or in the papers. Still others argue for the sake of arguing. I can disagree with someone without losing my mind, or, self control. Other than the insensitive statement like the one I responded to in this thread, the only topics I dislike are the ones where sides are chosen.

I realize that just because I have a warm & fuzzy feeling about someone, that may not be another persons experience with that individual. How often have we read of people like John Wayne Gacy, who were well respected in their community as outstanding family-oriented people, only to learn otherwise? I realize that there are many sides to an individual. If I'm going to applaud the good about them, I'll also call them out about the not so good, as well. That's fair, that's called balance. I think that people should strive for truth & fairness. We have real wars being fought & people are dying over things like this. Tell me, why should anyone expect the world to find peace, when we're here arguing over issues like these? I have no problem with a statement of fact that goes against my opinion. As long as it's balanced & fair, it should be ok. I think that there's too much taken personally here & I don't think that it's going to accomplish much. Regardless, you've done no wrong. I see no need for you to apologize for other peoples' actions.

Top of pageBottom of page   By ~medusa~ ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 09:31 pm:

Thanx Rodman, I already know, and you are so right about me being blamed before you ever responded...but just the same I used your name to make a point...hope U didn't mind.
Thanx 2 all who actually understand and know that I am not a trouble maker and/or a bad person.
Sis, I have nothing more to say~except~
I'm just a soul who's intentions are good
Oh Lord, I've been so "Very" misunderstood.
...but it's all good, I learned a lot this past weekend...

Top of pageBottom of page   By Rodmann ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 09:44 pm:

Hey Medusa, no offense taken. As you've seen my name has been used in much worse ways on this forum! LOL. I'm sorry if I did drag you into anything. It wasn't intentional. :)

Top of pageBottom of page   By ~medusa~ ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 09:53 pm:

No Rodman, You didn't drag me N2 anything, don't even think about it. Everything is Everything at this point, but thanx 4 your concern just the same, I appreciate that Rodman.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Rodmann ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 09:59 pm:

Thanks Medusa. :)

Top of pageBottom of page   By David Meikle ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 05:04 am:


I apologise for giving you the impression that I am singling you out.

I know you are not a troublemaker.

I also sent you an e-mail yesterday.


Top of pageBottom of page   By Shauntrell ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 07:47 am:

There are a lot of people on the West Coast, and a lot on the East Coast, who believe the rest of America is nothing more than fly-over space. I met a lot of these people during my time in the US Army, and I can tell you that SOME of the New Yorkers treated the rest of us as if we were foreigners. No, I do not believe ALL New Yorkers have this attitude, as I have befriended many people from NYC.

If I offended any NYCer's, my bad. But I stand by my observation.....sorry...

Top of pageBottom of page   By ~medusa~ ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 10:29 am:

David, I probably didn't get the email, due to the fact, I had to get a new one or maybe I didn't recognize the sender...if that was the case, I probably deleted it (sorry)..
I'll send it to you.


Top of pageBottom of page   By David Meikle ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 10:43 am:

Thanks Medusa.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Ju ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 02:48 pm:

Shuantrell, ditto.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 04:09 pm:

I have to say that I'm genuinely sorry that that has been your experience. Though we do have some arrogant people, I believe that if you knew more of us, you'd find that most of us aren't that way. It just goes to show how the actions of the minority, can poison the reputations of the majority. I hope that one day, you'll have the opportunity to see the "other" New Yorkers. Some of us are actually not so bad when you get to know us.

Top of pageBottom of page   By ~medusa~ ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 04:34 pm:

hahahaha, Juicefree20, I have 2 Brothers, a Nephew, A Sister N Law who live in NY...Now my Mother kinda thinks NY is heaven(yes Mother lives in NY)...but I still think it's as individual/divers as the people here on this Forum(smile)...otherwise thats' where the stereo typing comes in...so it aint necessarily so...
People who ask questions, listen, read, and understand what they read, and are educated with good information, no matter where they live, can be those People we call smart...I still also believe that 'Experience' is the best teacher, meaning, there are some things books can't teach you...I think they still call it "common sense" (smile)

Top of pageBottom of page   By Tony Russi ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 04:53 pm:

When I moved to LA in the early 70's I found people working in gas stations,fast food places, grocery stores ect. to be kinda "distant" and not too friendly.The first time I went to New York City I was really surprised to find just the opposite, people were friendly and helpful.The first time I went to Detroit I was leary after hearing all about murder, crime ect. and I had a great time day & night in the downtown section, Greektown, people were friendly. It just seemed out west I guess most people were from somewhere else and they in turn were leary of other newcomers.

Top of pageBottom of page   By bigdaddyg2k4 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 05:48 pm:

Folks, it all comes down to this: NO MATTER WHERE U GO, WHETHER HERE OR WORLDWIDE, PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE, AND YOU WILL FIND THE GOOD WITH THE BAD EVERYTIME. It's unfortunate that we encounter people who seem to be not nice and very sociable, but I will tell you that in the very least, that doesn't discourage me to believe that there are still some good people to meet in this fast-paced world of ours. Often we believe that a good first impression means something, which is still true. But we all done that ourselves to somebody else, one way or another. We all have been nasty to some people in the past, but some of us do look back and realized that we made a mistake in our actions and wished that there was something that we could've said to that person(s) to make them realize that we not like that at all. We are human for sometimes we know no better. I can't even tell you the times I went off on somebody prematurely and realized later on that I was in the wrong, but never had the chance to make things right. And that my friends, leaves a bad lasting impression of you on that person you were nasty to. Now if that person comes off as nasty to you to begin with, then theres no need to feel that way, but only if they're in the wrong, not you. See, it goes in cycles, it's human nature. IT HAPPENS EVERYWHERE YOU GO-FROM NYC 2 L.A. 2 THE BOONDOCKS. Let's all of us strive to be nice 2 each other for we may say things that we may regret later and never get a chance to make things right.

Top of pageBottom of page   By KevGo ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 05:51 pm:

Thank you, BigDaddy!
Kevin Goins - KevGo

Top of pageBottom of page   By Common ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 05:54 pm:


That's very true what you posted. All we can do is try to be better people. I really can't add anymore to what you said. You said it all.


Top of pageBottom of page   By Vonnie ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 06:08 pm:


As Smokey said, "I Second That Emotion"


Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 06:22 pm:

Vonnie, you took the words right out of my mouth. From your lips, to Gods ears!

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 06:22 pm:

Also big-up to you BigDaddy & Common!

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 08:28 pm:

So Medusa, how often do you get to visit your New York fam? I see that much of your family lives in New York, how did that come to pass. I don't know much about your history, are you all native Detroiters? If you've been in New York, what do you find to be the differences between the two states?

Top of pageBottom of page   By ~medusa~ ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 09:08 pm:

well not too much, I've never had any bad experiences in NY. I do plan to visit again when the weather breaks...My mother doesn't like Detroit, I think because of some bad experiences she had or something.
Oh, one thing, when I talk to people, they speak another language, and sometimes I get embarrased, because I can't understand them.
I noticed everyone has a cell phone...Walkiing, Riding Bikes, Driving, Waiting for Bus, Shopping.
I think as a whole, the NY~kers seem to be more pleasant...but then again, I;m not familiar personally with a lor of people in NY like Iam in Detroit.
No, I wasn't born in Detroit, I came to Detroit in 1962, I've been here ever since, so this is home to me.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Robb_K ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 09:24 pm:

Very true, Big Daddy, once again you have brought wisdom and clear thinking to this forum.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 10:27 pm:

Now Ms Medusa, I think that you understand my language very well. Exactly what are you trying to say, huh :). Yes, even schoolkids have cell phones. That's why my reception is so lousy & I have so many dropped calls. The closest I've been to Detroit is Muskegon. What section in New York does your family live in?

By the way, you couldn't have moved to Detroit in 1962. I have a, watch out now, reliable source, who told me that you are all of 28 YEARS of age. Don't try to find out how I know, it's ok. Now, by my calculations, let's see if I still remember this:
- 28

So, I have to conclude that you aren't being entirely forthcoming here Medusa. You should be proud to have been born in the Bi-Centennial year. We had a lot of good music that year. Why are you trying to make yourself older than you are? You don't have to worry, when you're 28, you can still gain admittance into the clubs. You're of age to attend society type things. You can stop with the 1962 thing, ok?
Good :)
Peace to you Ms M!

Lest anyone think I'm that smart, I figured out Medusas true age using an abacus, all 10 fingers, all 10 toes, a calculator & the assistance of my 12 year-old cousin, who showed me how to turn the calculator on :) :) :)

Ok, I'm only kidding, I think.....hey Jason, what button was that again?

Top of pageBottom of page   By ~medusa~ ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 11:55 pm:

Hey there Juice free20, I wish I were in my 30's or 40's, but I;ll be 53 this year in June.
What I meant about the cellphone statement is~
I thought people here in Detroit used cell phones too much, but when I go to NY, everybody moving on wheels or on foot are on a cell phone, they got Detroit beat 100 to 1 (smile)..but it's no crime.
Thanx for the compliment..oh how I wish...
wait,I bleieve it was 1962 or very close to it when I first stepped foot in the Motor City.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 12:47 am:

Well, ok, if you insist. Of course, you know what this means, don't you? Now I have to get medieval with my source. Talk about a dilemna, oh well, such is life. As I was the source, I'll try not to be too hard on myself. I do understand what you meant about the cell phones. Sometimes it seems as though there are more cell phones than people.

Regarding that number thing, it's alright. You'll always be 28 to me :)


Top of pageBottom of page   By Sudi Kamau ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 04:55 pm:

I think that New Yorkers are often pretty much like people from other places - too provincial, too parochial and too quick to forget that nobody else really gives a damn. Other than that, they can be pretty decent.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Nosey ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 05:23 pm:

JuiceFree20: It's always been a sayin here in Philly that New Yorkers won't feed ya but they'll give you all the licka you can drink! True or not?

Top of pageBottom of page   By Common ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 05:30 pm:

Juicefree: Big up to you too! :)

KevGo: I'm game. Sounds like a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.


Top of pageBottom of page   By Common ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 05:32 pm:

Sorry! I posted a response to KevGo in the wrong thread. Yikes!

Top of pageBottom of page   By SisDetroit ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 05:32 pm:

Nosey - That's what they say about Chicago. I know for a fact that was true in the 60's and 70's because I used to visit there every summer. We always had to get our food from the restaurant.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 06:53 pm:

Hey Nosey, that's not true. We have some folks that wouldn't do much for you. I find that New Yorkers are at their best when a crisis comes up. New Yorkers came be quite incredible. Now, for the liquor part, hmm... I'm not much of a drinker, so, I can't really comment. I see that most of the folks that I know do share a taste or two.
Common, peace to you!!!

Top of pageBottom of page   By KevGo ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 07:33 pm:

Don't worry! I got it!
Kevin Goins - KevGo

Top of pageBottom of page   By Sudi Kamau ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:40 pm:

It's always been my experience that New Yorkers won't feed you but they'll give you liquor. I always attributed that to the cost of living - although liquor's not exactly cheap. If you spend the night, New Yorkers might go out and get a bag of bagels, as opposed to the sumptuous 19 course breakfast you'll get in places like Virginia.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 10:47 pm:

Hey Sudi Kamau, what part of New York have you visited? When out-of-towners speak of New York, they're generally speaking of Manhattan. There's more to New York than Manhattan. You've been in the wrong neighborhoods, my friend. When you visited, where did you stay? I hope that you'll come back to visit us again!

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