One-Der-Ful Studio tape...... FORUM: Archive - Beginning March 27, 2004: One-Der-Ful Studio tape......
Top of pageBottom of page   By MEL&THEN SOM ( on Thursday, March 11, 2004 - 06:13 pm:

just found a studio tape with 45s from 1961/66ish from one-der-ful.
includes a version of the du-ettes 45 of 'every beat of my heart' by johnny sayles.

anyone know this?


Top of pageBottom of page   By Frankie B. ( on Thursday, March 11, 2004 - 08:49 pm:

I have heard that Johnny Sayles toured with the Duettes and the Five Du-tones in the Five Du-tones revue...had their own tour bus and everything. Possibly, just as they did at Motown, these artists all being on the same label probably had the same writers who would try the same song with different artists in the hope that one artists approach would "hit" with the public. An example is "Got to find a way" by Harold Burrage redone by Otis Clay. I like Otis Clay, but the original is better in my opinion. I have not heard the song you describe, but I have heard the Duettes version and I bet the Johnny Sayles version is more "blues" oriented. Sure wish I had that tape. Are there any Sharpees tunes on it?

Top of pageBottom of page   By Robb_K ( on Thursday, March 11, 2004 - 09:52 pm:

I'd be interested in hearing those songs too. There was an awful lot of good, interesting music produced by the One-Der-Ful group.

Top of pageBottom of page   By sayles2 ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 03:17 am:

I am Johnny Sayles youngest daughter. Would like more information.

Top of pageBottom of page   By David Meikle ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 05:21 am:

Like I say, it's amazing who crops up here.

I love his music Ms Sayles.

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