THE LATEST ON R. KELLY FORUM: Archive - Beginning March 27, 2004: THE LATEST ON R. KELLY
Top of pageBottom of page   By KevGo ( on Thursday, March 11, 2004 - 12:20 pm:

Check it out, folks....

Kevin Goins - KevGo

Top of pageBottom of page   By Mmmmmmm ( on Thursday, March 11, 2004 - 01:01 pm:


Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Thursday, March 11, 2004 - 07:47 pm:

I think that from here on, it would be best if Robert saved the videotaping for home.

Top of pageBottom of page   By LadyMystique ( on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 07:39 pm:


Top of pageBottom of page   By ~medusa~ ( on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 08:07 pm:

I just wish he would stop holding those young Ladies hostage and holding that gun on them and raping them like he does...he really should be ashamed of himself.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 08:33 pm:

The scary thing is that these girls didn't look 14 or 17 to me. All that I know is that they had some advanced skills for girls that young. They didn't learn that in the time that it took to shoot those videos. I'm not just concerned about R Kelly, I'd like to know where the outrage was over the fact that these girls have obviously been around the block? When you know a little more about the whole setup, I hold a lot of folks accountable for this.

Regardless, homes has got to be a bit less careful than this. I'd suggest that he consider the lyrics that he wrote to "When A Woman's Fed Up". I don't think that he can afford too many more of these dalliances.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 08:33 pm:

Excuse me, I meant to type that he needs to be MORE careful, as well as smarter.

Top of pageBottom of page   By sly fan ( on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 09:52 pm:

10 miillion dollar question is: where were the parents?

On the music tip...scrap "Step In The Name"....
Its cool and all...lookout for "Happy People"...Man, that dude is GENIUS! He truly is the "The Answer".

Top of pageBottom of page   By dove-7 ( on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 03:29 am:

Juicefree lmao @ advance skills. But seriously though, kids nowadays know just as much as the adults now because they are exposed to so much. Nothing is hidden in the closet anymore. It's no surprise to me.

I agree with that there are others who are guilty in this party. I think that R-kelly ruffled someone's feathers so they got even.

Now as for R himself, come @uck on. For one he needs his ass whip. To much booty of age out here. 18 and up. Two, to have the balls to just put it out there. Like he's mr invincible $ick.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Isaiah ( on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 03:56 am:

Juice, I agree with you about these skeezers he slept with, though it's clear he should've exercised the discipline of an adult, and done as Dove-7 suggested he do... Get a Woman to fulfill his needs...

On another tip, however, I have been reading the Jackie Wilson story, and found it bears a frightening resemblence to all we've read about R. Kelly, as per the under age girls... Harlean Wilson stated in the book that, not only did she DO Jackie as a 14-year old, but she had initially DONE Clyde McPhatter as the president of the Billy Ward and the Dominoes fan club... There were some intimations she'd had an affair with Sam Cooke, as well... She later had an arranged marriage to Jackie after he got in some trouble on a morals charge down south, but...still we have to see that world of seediness for what it is... We come down prety hard on R. Kelly, but most of the cats we know and love did "their thing" without the level of scrutiny R. Kelly is receiving in the new millenium...


Top of pageBottom of page   By Ju ( on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 04:10 am:

No doubt about it Juice, as young as that one girl may have been, she was no stranger to a bannana. Got me to thinking about using the tape for instructional purposes!

Top of pageBottom of page   By sly fan ( on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 02:28 pm:

As an elder once told me: "There's nothing new under the sun..just the names and the faces".

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 07:06 pm:

I'll tell you, I really didn't know what to think about the situation. I thought back to the Aaliyah situation & then I started looking at the Bump & Grind video. That when I realized that an awful lot of those girls looked well under age. I think that he had a liking for the younger girls, I call it The Charlie Chaplin Syndrome. I must admit that it kinda pissed me off. I can't see what a 30 year-old man would really want with a 14 year-old girl. There are too many women of age that would have no problem with being a part of Rs "Rodeo Show".

On the other hand, I've got to admit that unless you take a good look at some of these girls faces, or hear them talk, you might not know how old they are. I mean, some of these young ladies are built ridiculously. When I was in high school, we'd be lucky to have a few sisters built like today's kids. I don't know if it's the Similac, the feed that they're feeding the livestock, or, the water. Todays young women are just far more mature physically, than mentally. If I had a daughter, I'd be very nervous & someone like R would've been singing a totally different song, if he were still able to sing, or talk, or walk.

When you know a bit more about the details about the situation & who helped to hook the whole situation up, you see just how messed up this situation was. R's age is not the only thing that bothers me. I would be upset if the guy was 17 years old. I would be definitely upset with my "little princess" riding R like my little pony. I've known a few women who didn't have the grasp on the situation like these young ladies did. People can blame R all that they'd like to. As a parent, I'd be upset that my daughter would have such formidable skills at that age. It wasn't brand new to them, that would bother me the most.

R was set up for this on many levels, by more than a few people. His people know that he has a pre-dispositon to young ladies. One of his inner circle makes these arrangements for him & this particular situation was set up for someone's personal gain. Yes, you have to watch your enemies, but, you have to watch your "friends" as well. It's one thing to tape your conquests, I think that it's insidious to show the tapes to your fellas. Once they have that kind of knowledge about you, you'd really better watch your back.

Finally, he set himself up. When you're married & you're someone with major ends, you have to consider that that skeleton bone might find its way out of the closet. He should've been smart enough to know these things. I really can't relate to this at all. Regardless of how a girl may be built, she will still think & talk like a teenager. I just can't get into any woman who's immature. I couldn't imagine trying to be intimate with a kid. What would we talk about afterward, Lil Jon, 50 Cent, the brilliance & profundity of "MTV Cribs"? I needs just a lil more mental stimulation than that, I can barely imagine myself with a 30 year-old. As far as that "older man/younger woman" thing is concerned, my ego doesn't need to be stroked like that. I'm not intop trying to impress the fellas with that crap.

Oh well, to each his own. These young ladies have been violated, willingly it seems. The problem is that Mr Kelly isn't the only culprit. In at least one of these cases, the young lady was victimized by someone who should have been looking out for her, as opposed to being her pimp. As a great Roman once said: "Et Tu Brute'.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Helene ( on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 09:58 am:

I think we're looking at a few issues here. First of all, we have a duty of care towards our young regardless of how well informed or mature they may appear.Juicefree is bang on when saying that appearance won't make a young person think like an adult. It doesn't matter that these girls may have been willing participants, the onus is on the adult.

Secondly, R Kelly is in an enviable position. He has an undisputed talent and enormous success. There will always be those who will take a delight in knocking him from his perch, no matter how close they may be to him. While I would never condone activities of this sort, any illegal doings should be firmly kept to himself.

Lastly, mud always sticks. Unfortunately sometimes it only takes a rumour to ruin a person. If a conviction results from all of this, and I've no doubt that enough people will continue digging for dirt until this does happen now, then R Kelly risks the ultimate penalty - and I'm not talking loss of freedom here.In his own time, and to his own audience Gary Glitter was an icon. Yeah, I know it sounds laughable and I'm not trying to compare him to R Kelly because there's no contest. BUT, the penalty that Glitter paid for his activities was to have his name and music literally wiped from British music history. No one ever plays his stuff anymore on '70s themes. He is no longer referred to, except to reveal how he has sunk to the level of procuring children in foreign lands. It's as if referring to him, or playing his records is seen as some sort of support. And no one wants to be associated with a thief of innocence.

The girls may recover, R Kelly will live through it all. The why's and wherefore's will be forgotten. But the mud will stick. And the loss of his music would be a real tragedy.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Vonnie ( on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 10:42 am:

Parents should take more care with the precious gift(children)given to them by the Almighty. I have a dear friend whose daughters 16, 13 and 12 wanted to see the group Jodeci perform, and she decided to take them to their show. The show was packed with many young teens and pre-teen girls; the groups largest demographic make-up. During the performance the group started to grope themselves and simulate sexual movements. Many of the young girls who were seated in the closest rows were trying to reach out and touch them. My friend got up and told her daughters that they had to leave. Her daughters were naturally very upset that they had to leave, but my friend stuck to her decision. She later explained to her daughters that because they were christians she could not allow them to witness such blatant actions. It did not matter to her that she had spent a great deal of money on the concert tickets. It did not matter that other parents sat there and let their kids watch this group perform. It did not matter how disappointed her girls felt,they acutually cried; what mattered more was her daughters spiritual and moral well being.

Top of pageBottom of page   By NYC Diva ( on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 11:32 am:

dove-7, I agree with you...No excuse for R. to go chasing after little kids in order to get off. You have grown women out here who have no problem doing the things that R. wants, but I guess the fact that they are young is a turn-on.

The girls may already have had sexual experiences, that much may be true but that does not make what R. has done alright. He knows that it was wrong, and plus, he's a married man with kids. So not only was he molesting young girls but he was cheating on his wife, too!! Yeah, he needs an ass whupping, fo real!!

Top of pageBottom of page   By dove-7 ( on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 04:11 pm:

Some very interestin points on here. From another prespective, we also have to look at that many of these girls aren't victims nowadays. Some of these girls are hot, built like a firecracker, and are underestimated.

Not all of these girls have the body of a adult but the mind of a young girl. We are living in different times now. Kids know so damn much, and they know too damn much.

These days when you talk with kids, you have to deal with many of them like you are talkin with an adult. Times have chaned.

I am a 35 year male. And although it has only been 17 years ago that I was 18. Thins have changed alot. It started in my era with the fast pace kids. But, not like on the level like now. We didn't see 12 or 13 year kids committing murders and going to adult prisons. Man if I had a gun at that ae, my mother would beat my @#s.

Yes it's true, R-Kelly isn't the only. Wasn't the first, nor will he be the last. There just as many well know peeps doing it now, but they haven't got caught. And I'm sure alot worse.

Remember the Rob Lowe scandle? He got caught on tape with a minor. and the reputation was already known before hand. Rob played it smart though, he layed low for some years. It looked like it worked for him. Let's not forget about Elvis who too had a reputation for under age girls. And Jerry Lee Lewis, whom not only slept with a minor, but he also married her, inwhich happened to be his cousin.

Top of pageBottom of page   By spree112 ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 08:33 am:

I'm 19 years old and over the last 6 years or so I've come across many a young girl willing to do pretty much anything with pretty much anyone. These girls know exactly what they're doing and as Ma$e once said "they ass be real fat when they be goin' through that stage". If R. Kelly had sex with someone under the age of 18, he was wrong to do that. Ma$e also says "you f**k a girl this young and you gon' end up in a cage 'cause her moms ain't tryna here that you never knew her age". But at the same time, he may not have known what age the girls he was dealing with were. Twice he's said in his songs (Bump 'n' Grind Remix, Use to me spendin') that he won't get with a girl before seeing ID. Obviously that doesn't excuse his alledged behaviour completely but now he's facing the consequences it's highly likely it won't happen again. Ultimately R. Kelly's too important to me as an inspiration, an idol and a hero for me to hold a grudge against him because he may have let his guard down a little too much. He said "I'm no monster" and I believe him.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Linda Di. ( on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 08:38 am:

My two cents -- and I didn't even read the above thread and am not going to. R. Kelly makes me want to throw up. His music doesn't get played in my home. The radio gets turned off.

Top of pageBottom of page   By dove-7 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 12:33 am:


my young sistah. I'm lad that you aren't holding a grudge. And I'm glad that you are forgiving. But R-Kelly to me got cocky. He knew what time it was then before all of it went down. This R-Kely thin goes way back when you were just a kid. When Alliyah first stepped onto the scene, the rumors started. I believe that he did slept with her as well as married her. I also believe that maybe the purpose of marrying a kid was probably because he got her pregnant. This isn't uncommon when a man marry's a underage girl. I know of a case back in Michigan that went down like that.

What turned me off about R is not the ae thing. That's not cool either. But the cockyness and arrogant attitude that he dsisplayed in video that he knows damn well is him. He humilated the girls. Piss on her etc..To me that's not a good person. But someone using his power to take advantage because he knows that he can if they want to make it to the top. That's fuckin scandelous.

All of this ass out here, grown ones and he has to pull shit like that. He could've just got him a grown freak that would've been down with that. But it sounds like it's a fetish.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Juicefree20 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 01:06 pm:

dove-7. There it is! You hit the nail on the head. Fetishism can have major implications, especially when it involves minors, regardless of how fast they are. A man's got to be a man & consider, that it could be his sister, daughter or friend. I also didn't appreciate the urination thing. I don't know why he felt that was necessary. Further proof of why some folks shouldn't watch XXX videos, those folks are just a little too impressionable. I found that to be denigrating, brother needs to come to grips with himself & get help. His luck may not always hold out. There's some young ladies with some very vengeful fathers, brothers, etc. One day, it may not merely threaten his freedom or marriage, it could cost him his life!

Top of pageBottom of page   By bigdaddyg2k4 ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 05:57 pm:

IF U AIN'T THE AGE OF 18 OR OVER, GO HOME! IT'S A SCHOOL NIGHT! Looks like "The pied piper of R&B" scored a small victory here with a simple legal technicality on part of the po-po and the D.A.. Not out of the woods yet, though.

Top of pageBottom of page   By KevGo ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 06:04 pm:

I almost fell out of my chair over the first sentence! Agreed for both young women AND men!
Kevin Goins - KevGo

Top of pageBottom of page   By sly fan ( on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 06:08 pm:

The Po Po!!! from LA Big Daddy? Thats some LA slang right there for ya!

I second that, stay home and watch Barney!

Top of pageBottom of page   By KevGo ( on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 01:56 pm:

As expected the Florida DA's office have dropped all twelve charges against R. Kelly.

He's still in hot water in his home state of Illinois.

Check it out:

Kevin Goins - KevGo

Top of pageBottom of page   By Helene ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 05:28 am:

I didn't know about the urination thing. That man has a severe disrespect for women and his music is now gone from my house.

Top of pageBottom of page   By bigdaddyg2k4 ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 05:52 pm:

Sly: no, not me from the once (maybe is again)"Murder Capital Of The World", but from a quiet, small town in the east coast (the feds are STILL lookin' 4 me, so my location will be exposed soon!) just kiddin' (but soon though!:))

Top of pageBottom of page   By sly fan ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 07:00 pm:

bigdaddy:lol!! it aint that bad....One thing for sure..we dont get mugged out Its not perfect but its not pretty either depending on where you are (even that doesnt matter anymore). Everywhere has its funk im sure..

Top of pageBottom of page   By GOAT ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 07:30 pm:

When in doubt ask for a couple of pieces of ID.

Yes, it is hard to tell the difference between some people at certain ages. Whether they are 14 or 20. But still no excuse. You can either abstain or a mentioned ask for a couple pieces of ID.

Top of pageBottom of page   By dove-7 ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 09:50 pm:


I agree. Always ask for I.D. Because we as men can still be fooled. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can always tell. Hell some of these men posing as women can be decieving.

Again, always ask for I.D. Goat good point.

Top of pageBottom of page   By bigdaddyg2k4 ( on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 05:17 pm:

Or better yet, DO A BACKGROUND CHECK!!! Criminal check, credit check, personality check, chin check, the check behind the check, whateva! Young girls these days are growing up WAY TOO FAST! I mean, back in the day, if a girl say is 13-14 years old, then she will look that age. But nowadays, WATCH OUT! Those same 13-14 year old girls now look like they're 20-21 years old! They are developing way too young and act too grown for their own good! I blame the growth harmones the manufacturers put in the food. Imagine a 15 year old girl: 36-24-36, it's not natural at all!!!

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