"NIGHTFLIGHT" TUES 2/24/ 9P-12M EST 3 hours of JIMMY RUFFIN...FINALLY!!! Streaming live at www.womr.org

SoulfulDetroit.com FORUM: Archive - Beginning March 27, 2004: "NIGHTFLIGHT" TUES 2/24/ 9P-12M EST 3 hours of JIMMY RUFFIN...FINALLY!!! Streaming live at www.womr.org
Top of pageBottom of page   By John Perrone ( on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 11:29 am:

I'm so happy to finally bring you a tribute show featuring one of my favorite Motown artists...JIMMY RUFFIN. Not only tracks from the new Tamla/Motown release...The ULTIMATE MOTOWN COLLECTION (2 cd's filled with hit's and rare tracks)...but a few things that Universal left out! Join me....on WOMR 92.1 FM PROVINCETOWN and streaming live at www.womr.org
Thanks! John

Top of pageBottom of page   By Common ( on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 11:54 am:

Hello John,

May I pass this on to other folks who maybe interested on other message boards?


Top of pageBottom of page   By Nosey ( on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 12:36 pm:

Whenever I hear "What becomes of the Brokenhearted" it reminds me of Vietnam. See...my neighbor, who survived the war, and is now a preacher at a well-known church in Philly, asked me to send some records over to 'Nam in either "66 or '67 (whenever the record came out). ANYWAY, that was the #1 record at that time and needless to say, the fellas there were blown away by the song and the others I sent and I got letters after letters from the guys thanking me for sending such "soulful" records cause all they were hearing was a bunch of hillbilly songs.

Is there a particular song that reminds YOU of Vietnam in the 60s?

Top of pageBottom of page   By Helene ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 05:37 am:

I was hoping to see Jimmy Ruffin on the Martha Reeves tour, but unfortunately he had other commitments. I'm hoping that this is the real reason for his absence.

I can't find any info on him lately, and although I've left a message on another thread I'm still none the wiser.

Can anyone update me on him please?

Top of pageBottom of page   By Common ( on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 09:17 am:

Hello everyone,

Helene: Thanks for bumping this topic back up. There seems to be very little info as far Jimmy is concerned. I'm not in England but was wondering too, why he wasn't involved in the tour with Martha.


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