The Funk Brothers - the future FORUM: Archive - Beginning March 27, 2004: The Funk Brothers - the future
Top of pageBottom of page   By soulboy ( on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 01:55 pm:

There has already been some debate among forum members about the validity of the Funk Brothers now that they could be down to just five or maybe four members,But what i'd really like to say is that sometime in the future when they finally quit would the forum like to see
1. to see a valid tribute band using pro ex-session musicians that have no connections with motown or detroit in its heyday.or
2. Wannabee musicians who are enthusiatic about the music,but may not possess the ability or professionalism to carry it off.
One thing i'd like to say is that not everything lasts forever however good,and obviously one day those purists may have to settle for second best,it's already happened with the Beatles,Elvis etc so would it neccesarily be a bad thing??it maybe that in the wake of the whole SITSOM thing that the music will inspire a new generation of funk impersonators,what does forum think about this??

Top of pageBottom of page   By BassLand ( on Sunday, March 21, 2004 - 12:50 am:

My question is are those the only categories of musicians you see being involved with this? X pros (read has been?) or wannabee's?

What about competent musicans how understand the style of music. Why exclude current pro musicians studio or otherwise?


Top of pageBottom of page   By soulboy ( on Sunday, March 21, 2004 - 05:00 am:

My impression is that there certainly are not many pro musicians of the funks calibre available,
these days.i have formed that opinion by listening to the current popular music scene,i may well be wrong on this.However if they are available then they would be prime candidates.

Top of pageBottom of page   By Dennis Coffey ( on Sunday, March 21, 2004 - 09:52 am:

Hello folks. In case you haven't noticed, Allan has played guitar with the Funk Brothers from day one and he is not a Funk Brother. Almost half of the band including the singers that perform are not even from Detroit. It is the business of music, not the music business. As long as Allan and any Funks or musicians want to tour under the name The Funk Brothers and people want to hear them, it will continue. This is not a bad thing, just a business thing and anything that provides work for musicians is OK by me. I am just glad the Funks finally got recognized for their efforts. It was long overdue. It is now up to each individual Funk Brother how long they want to tour.

Top of pageBottom of page   By ~medusa~ ( on Sunday, March 21, 2004 - 11:09 am:

Personally, if I may say so...
We all are sensitive on the subject involving The Funk Bros. or any other Musical artist we enjoy. We also know that nothing lasts forever, without being watered down.
Since the (NOW) still walking around Funk Brothers are still with us, they should be remembered. Futuristic honest Honor info about these Guys, must be known...right now, I talk to my Grandson, his friends and some of the kids on my job, that are in their 20's & 30's about Motown and the music of the 60's. Some of them are very familiar with the music, and how the artists came and went...but again they knew nothing about the Funk Bros...These Guys came and went, and came back again.
If nothing is done to preserve them or their second coming, they will just disappear in History,and when and IF they're mentioned, there will be those which will probably erace everything about the original Funks Bros. except from the time they disbanned only. Although it's a good thing for their work to be carried on by others, No artist should be misrepresentated at any time or space...their work and their appearance, should never be alterd in any way, but preserved.
I listend to Bealtes Music, and other 60's, British (Invasion) Music and I know each of their sound...and it's special.
To make a comeback at a different age and time, when the artist is a different age, when the style is no longer as popular is remarkable.
So, whatever happens after the Funk Bros. disband, they should never be forgotten or dishonored. As we all know nothing is old, just pushed aside, but it finds it's way back through some other media/person...Motown, British Invasion, Philly, Stax, SOLAR or whatever sound will find it's way back on the block..again.

Top of pageBottom of page   By MagyarEd ( on Sunday, March 21, 2004 - 01:42 pm:

I agree with Dennis about the Future of the Funks. The market place will ultimately determine if the Funks continue in some form or another. There are probably fans that will buy tickets to see and hear something like "The Music of the Funk Brothers"...and there are probably fans that won't. Personally, I'll go just to see Babbitt :-)

Top of pageBottom of page   By Isaiah ( on Sunday, March 21, 2004 - 02:54 pm:

Medusa, you are right on the money with your observations - from my vantage point... I don't believe that the Funk Brothers name should be used unless REAL and ORIGINAL FUNK BROTHERS are members of the band, period... Forget the market place, and all those other considerations if those men who made the music aren't included in the mix... Anything less than that is perpetrating a fraud on the public...

SoulBoy, there are thousands of competent, even suprerior, musicians out here who can play the music... Motown music WAS invented already, it's already on paper, vinyl, cd, and can be duplicated just like any other music... Don't allow the present "state" of R&B music mislead you... Ironically, when I think about the kind of musicians who, essentially, changed the sound of the music - guys like Prince and Kashif(Michael Jones) - these guys were pretty virtuousic performers who wanted to produce everything themselves... Unfortunately, they put that idea into the heads of too many of the "wrong" folks...


Top of pageBottom of page   By SisDetroit ( on Sunday, March 21, 2004 - 03:33 pm:

Something has been done to preserve the history of the Funk Brothers, they have had a second coming. First the music has been preserved on it's own merits through the doors of Hitsville. The music was never hidden, and has withstood the test of time trough the doors of Hitsville.

Although the individual Funk Brothers were unknown in various segments of the population, through the channels used by Allan Slutsky, the individual Funk Brothers are now known throughout the world. He has preserved their history as an "entity" through his diligence on his project.

Had Berry Gordy done the same as Allan Slutsky, by allowing the muscians to be upfront and well recognized, for instance in the place of Gordy's investment and production with "The Wiz," and "Mahogany", then Gordy would now be deciding if he should sell the catalog on "The Funk Brothers," and Universal/Motown would be issuing a license to Joe Hunter to use and perform as a Funk Brother in live stage performances.

Thank you Allan Slutsky for your persistance, and your hard work in bringing the Funk Brothers out of the shadows of Motown.

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