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  1. #2751
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  3. #2753
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    And Trump's election interference trial continues today. While I'm sure it's getting air time on the nightly news, and from news media outlets, I'm not seeing much on social media. Perhaps it's too boring, too much of the same old shit, so to speak. The fact that no one seems to have liked Michael Cohn is amusing. He must have been very good at fixing things, other wise Trump wouldn't have used him so much. But then, does anybody really like the fixer?

    Oh, and Marjorie Taylor Green is going to push to oust Mikey Johnson, probably today, which means the Republican party is going to continue looking like a bunch of jackasses. In her tiny, little mind, and it is tiny, this tactic, the same as that of a 12 year-old spoiled brat, is popular. She believes this makes her look like a positive, authoritarian role model. In reality, she is an example of high stupidity. Sadly, she had her own subset of cultists who follow her for the sole purpose of cherishing her droppings. I do think she should continue, and that her attacks on normalcy should be enshrined in the Temple of Incompetence.

  4. #2754
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    Kristi Noem, continuing to try and spin the killing of a dog into anything that represents a good, kind thing to do:

    I can understand why some people are upset about a 20-year-old story of Cricket, one of the working dogs at our ranch, in my upcoming book—No Going Back. The book is filled with many honest stories of my life, good and bad days, challenges, painful decisions, and lessons learned. What I learned from my years of public service, especially leading South Dakota through COVID, is people are looking for leaders who are authentic, willing to learn from the past, and don’t shy away from tough challenges. My hope is anyone reading this book will have an understanding that I always work to make the best decisions I can for the people in my life. The fact is, South Dakota law states that dogs who attack and kill livestock can be put down. Given that Cricket had shown aggressive behavior toward people by biting them, I decided what I did. Whether running the ranch or in politics, I have never passed on my responsibilities to anyone else to handle. Even if it’s hard and painful. I followed the law and was being a responsible parent, dog owner, and neighbor. As I explained in the book, it wasn’t easy. But often the easy way isn’t the right way.”
    She will talk and talk and talk and try to justify killing a young dog rather than give it to someone who could care for it, but she will never, ever talk about her MAGAt make-over.
    And perhaps those new blown-up lips make her stories shift?
    Mitt Romney, distancing himself and his own dog story from that of Kristi “Dog Killer” Noem:

    “I didn’t eat my dog. I didn’t shoot my dog. I loved my dog, and my dog loved me.”
    Mittsy, if you recall, says Noem’s “tale of slaughter” in her upcoming book is nothing like him being criticized for tying his dog Seamus to the roof of the family car during a cross-country trip.
    True; he didn’t kill a dog, her just terrorized it. Noem, on the other hand murdered her dog because she “hated” it, and because it wasn’t a good hunter.
    Jeanine Pirro, Fox New’s resident boxed wine sommelier, on Kristi “Dog Killer” Noem:

    “I have four rescues, and I have a puppy. I gotta tell you, you know what she’s done is, she’s sabotaged herself, whether or not it was to, you know, buttress what was coming down the road. She also managed to unite the right and the left. Because America—if nothing else, we are dog lovers. And don’t tell me you shot a puppy because it wasn’t used to hunting. You know, maybe you’re not a good teacher.”
    I don’t think Noem united the two sides but she did show that Noem is woefully out of touch with the GOP if she thinks they approve of her murdering a fourteen-month-old dog because she didn’t like it.
    Even Cruella wasn't that much of a DeVil.
    Chris Plante, Newsmax host, showing his true racist colors:

    “Illegals from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Haiti—where cannibalism is popular these days. Flying them mostly to swing states across the country. No electoral politics going on here. This is pretty obviously Joe Biden and the Democrats sticking it to Ron DeSantis, right? And sticking it to Florida and trying to move the demographic needle in Florida. And of course, you know, you put all the people in there, it’s like the Democrats during slavery times like the three-fifths of a person a slave because it gave them more seats in the House of Representatives, and they’re doing the same thing. The illegal aliens are effectively three-fifths of a person and they’re flooding them by 160,000 into the state of Florida. Much more than any other state, and it’s because they’ve got a problem with Ron DeSantis.”
    No evidence of this, but Newsmax and Plante, like Fox News and Tucker, don’t worry about facts.
    Plante recently accused President Biden of inciting civil war, when he declared that AI is racist against white people; he claimed Dr. Jill Biden dressed as Hitler for Halloween, and stated that late Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick was actually killed by the COVID vaccine.
    Truth doesn’t matter to these people because they have no souls.
    Mike Johnson, speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper, on the alleged—or not so alleged—GOP plan to pass a national abortion ban:

    “I don’t even know what you’re talking about—national abortion ban. No. Listen, [Hair Furor] has said this very well. Look, I’m pro-life personally, but I have 434 colleagues. You have to build a political consensus. After cultural consensus, Breitbart famously observed that politics is downstream from culture, and there is no consensus at the moment on what to do at the federal level so that’s not on the legislative agenda.”
    Mike Johnson and the majority of House Republicans all support the “Life Begins At Conception Act” that would ban all abortions nationwide and rip away access to IVF.
    That’s a fact. And God is watching faux-Christian Mike Johnson and She is not happy.
    Chris Sununu, New Hampshire GOP Governor, throwing his support for Hair Furor to win in 2024:

    “I’m going to support the ticket. I’m going to support [Thing 45]. It won’t be his party forever. Right? It just won’t. At some point, [Thing 45] won’t be here forever. Let me put it a different way: Assholes come and go. But America is here to stay.”
    Sununu has referred to Thing 45 as an “asshole” and once joked that he belongs in a mental institution, and who campaigned like hell for Nikki Haley, You’re an asshole, throwing your support behind a man you think should be locked up.
    That’s the Kool Aid drinking, goose-stepping GOP.

  5. #2755
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    I was going to post a picture of Von Shitzinpantz, but thought them all to be too crass, I do have my limitations. MMM...maybe not. For those who don't know, that was Michael Cohen's nickname for his boss, the Orange Anus himself, Donald Trump. That came out yesterday at his election interference trial. Now, I don't know about you, but it has been my experience that nicknames are usually based on some sort of fact, act, or occurrence, and while talking about bodily functions is the fodder of four-year-old humor, it wouldn't surprise me in the least that Donald Trump shits in his pants... regularly, and is, no doubt, the reason he wears Depends. Let's be honest here, we all know that Donald Trump is now, and has always been, full of shit.

  6. #2756
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    And, of course, yesterday there was one of those heart stopping moments during Trump's election interference trial that usually only happens in movies: Hope Hicks broke down in tears. A Trump loyalist, she broke with him after January 6. Hope is helping the prosecution and lot of little tidbits came out, like the fact that Trump lied to her, saying that Michael Cohen has paid Stormy the money out of his own pocket. According to Hope, Cohen didn't do anything on his own without broadcasting it to every one he saw in hopes of getting a compliment. For him to do so and not brag, and not expect others to generously praise him, would have been so out of character, she knew Trump had to be lying.

    Can Hope be trusted? Geez. It seems as though everyone in Trump's inner circle lied constantly.

  7. #2757
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  8. #2758
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  9. #2759
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    Evidently, Trump had a private fund raiser last evening and during his ramblings likened the Biden administration to the Gestapo. He has already stated that he will not accept the results of the 2024 election if he loses. This rhetoric should frighten you, because in his mind it is all about saving his ass. He needs to win in order for him to have full immunity from all of his charges. This is really about saving his ass, and if he needs to goad his cultists into starting a war to do so, he will. I'm sure he will be quite pleased if his cultists give their lives in order to sustain his freedom. He is a businessman, after all, and dead Americans would be a small price to pay for him to be the ultimate CEO.

  10. #2760
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    Oh - and I totally missed Michael Cohen tweeting [[of X'ing?), calling BLOTUS "VonshitzinPants".

    That tweet from a few weeks ago was funny enough. I don't have X so, I certainly didn't see it there. But I hadn't encountered it elsewhere either.

    Know what's funnier even?

    Discussing gag orders in court, the judge mentioned that Cohen should stop poking the bear [[or man?) or a gag order regarding BLOTUS would / could be reduced so BLOTUS could go after Cohen.

    But in these proceedings, BLOTUS' own lawyer read out the tweet.

    Know what's better than 'open court'? "VonshitzinPants" is now in the official court record.

    VonshitzinPants [[which now might replace "BLOTUS") must have been livid that it was said, repeated and repeated and repeated - and then on newscasts and now blogs!

    I. Could. Not. Be. More. Pleased.

  11. #2761
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  12. #2762
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    we all know that it is rumored that Trump wears adult diapers due to incontinence. Which look- I am making no judgements about. But his followers have not only decided that this is not a problem, they have embraced the whole issue in the way only Trump supporters can do.

    Remember back in 2016 when Herr Stinkin'Shit said that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue in NY and he wouldn't lose any voters?
    Well he was sure right about that. Any day now I'm expecting him to do just that to prove how beloved he is. THERE IS NOTHING THIS MAN CAN DO THAT HIS CULT FOLLOWERS WILL NOT CHEER!

  13. #2763
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    Vote Blue. Here's Another Slew of Reasons Why

    Here we are again, with a wee taste of the lunacy, racism, criminality, and bigotry and hate inside the GOP … and let’s start with the Dog Killer:

    Y’all know that dog killing liar Kristi Noem, has a book coming out but now her office is saying she will go back and correct some errors … like when she claimed to have met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un:

    “I remember when I met with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants—I’d been a children’s pastor after all.”

    Except that never happened though Noem’s spokesperson claims it was an “error” to include Kim in a list of world leaders who Noem has met. And other “corrections” in future editions will include removing a false claim about a conversation with Nikki Haley that never happened, and the time Noem says she declined French President Emmanuel Macron’s invitation to sit in his box during an Armistice Day Parade because he supposedly made “pro-Hamas comments.” His office says that “never” happened.
    Noem stands by her lies as being “small errors.”
    It’s not a stretch from Republican to liar, or even dog killer to liar.
    On the upside, a county Republican group in Colorado has cancelled a fundraiser featuring Kristi Noem after she wrote gleefully about murdering her dog.
    Jefferson County Republican Party Chair Nancy Pallozzi said that the group’s fundraising dinner was being cancelled “due to safety concerns” after the group, the governor and her staff, and the hotel hosting the event received “numerous threats and/or death threats.”
    People don’t like dog killers.

    Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto pushed back on a claim by Nancy Mace, the GOP Representative from South Carolina, who says that progressive billionaire George Soros funded the groups involved in pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses. Mace claimed:

    “You’ve got groups that are funded by George Soros. There are Palestinian rights groups that I believe are involved, funded by George Soros, and they need to be off of our college campuses if they’re committing violence, full stop.”
    Cavuto, no stranger to dealing with lying Republicans like Nancy Mace, said:

    “There’s no proof that these are funded by George Soros, by the way… their folks have denied that.”
    “We’ll agree to disagree, I guess.”
    “I’ve just looked for the checks and I haven’t seen them yet.”
    Nancy Mace is a Kristi Noem wannabe.

    The New Hampshire House passed a bill to raise the legal age of marriage to 18; Senate Bill 359 states that “no person below the age of 18 years shall be capable of contracting a valid marriage, and all marriages contracted by such persons shall be null and void.” Under present law, that age is 16.
    But GOP Representative Jess Edwards argued that taking away the possibility of marriage could lead more 16- and 17-year-olds to abortion:

    “If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not in fact making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?”
    Yes, he’s worried about sixteen-year-olds having abortions as opposed to forcing them to marry at that age.

  14. #2764
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    ALABAMAThe House voted to make school and public library staff criminally liable for distributing “sexual or gender-oriented material” to minors without parental consent, placing libraries in the same category as “adult-only” stores, movies and entertainment. GOP Representative Arnold Mooney sponsored the legislation.
    Seriously. And it would force school and public librarians to remove a book that someone finds obscene or harmful to minors within seven days of written notice to the library director or principal. If they don’t they could face a misdemeanor.
    It’s unclear who will determine if the book is obscene.

    SOUTH CAROLINADuring an interview with NBC’s Kristen Welker, GOP Senator Tim Scott—his head still up Hair Furor’s ass looking for that VP nod—repeatedly refused to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election.
    Yes, the election that hasn’t happened yet, he says will be rigged if Hair Furor doesn’t win. Welker tried, and tried, and tried again to get Scott to say he will accept the results of the 2024 election:

    Will you commit to accepting the election results of 2024: Bottom line?”
    “At the end of the day, the 47th president of the United States will be President Donald Trump.”
    “Yes or no? Will you accept the election results of 2024 no matter who wins?”
    “That is my statement.”

    No, the statement is Tim Scott is a pandering, goose-stepping asshat who is doing Hair Furor’s bidding because he wants a high-profile spot in the Traitor’s administration.

    TENNESSEEGOP Governor Bill Lee plans to sign a bill state legislators sent to his desk that would allow school staff members to carry concealed handguns on school grounds:

    “What’s important to me is that we give districts tools and the option to use a tool that will keep their children safe in their schools.”
    No money for books or computers or more teachers to reduce class size, but a bill to allow teachers to carry weapons.

    PENNSYLVANIAGOP Representative Mike Kelly, an outspoken critic of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, used the law to receive a grant to install solar panels at one of his car dealerships.
    Kelly has long derided the Inflation Reduction Act, which made his grant possible, saying:

    “The bill provides $375 billion in so-called ‘climate change’ legislation, which include $7,500 tax credits for wealthy Americans to purchase electric vehicles [[EV).”
    He voted that you can’t benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act, but he can.
    GOP hypocrisy, and the fact that they think their constituents are stupid enough to fall for his lies.

    TEXASGOP Representative Troy Nehls has repeatedly claimed to be the recipient of two Bronze Stars and a Combat Infantryman Badge from his time serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, but a review of his service record by the Pentagon show Nehls received one—not two—Bronze Star medals. And his Combat Infantryman Badge from Afghanistan was revoked from his service record in 2023 because Nehls served as a civil affairs officer, not as an infantryman or Special Forces soldier.
    Emily Matthews, Nehls’ press secretary, declined to discuss the matter or provide any explanation for the discrepancies.
    More lies from Republicans.

  15. #2765
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    More lies from Republicans.

    NBC News interviewed more than 15 major corporate fundraisers and consultants with corporate clients, and many have expressed concern over a charged political climate that they worry could backfire on their brand or where an investment would not pay off.
    They say that Hair Furor and the baggage that comes with backing him, and that slew of GOP liars, hypocrites and thieves I just mentioned, was most often cited as a consideration by many of the corporate donors and consultants to avoid any connection with the GOP and RNC.
    Uh oh; if the RNC doesn’t get corporate sponsorship coins, how with they ever pay Hair Furor’s legal bills?

    Less than 72 hours after the launch of a reporting form to help Utah enforce its transgender bathroom ban, the Utah auditor’s office says it has received nearly 4,000 complaints. And all of them appear to be “bogus.”
    Utah Auditor John Dougall says his office created the online reporting tool to comply with GOP Representative Kera Birkeland’s “Sex-based Designations for Privacy, Anti-bullying and Women’s Opportunities.
    Birkeland is a former Mrs. Utah beauty pageant contestant and her sole previous legislative record is a successful resolution that criticizes Shaquille O’Neal’s free throw record and mocks his movie’s rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
    Oh, and last year she introduced an anti-abortion bill that was condemned by her own sister, who is a rape survivor.

    News anchor Kaitlan Collins caught GOP Senator J.D. Vance flat-footed during a line of questioning on the current pro-Palestine protests on college campuses across the country.
    Collins quizzed the pro-Hair Furor senator on his views regarding the value of free speech versus the safety and well-being of students whose lives have been disrupted by the protests on campus—to which Vance replied that police should only become involved if protesters are breaking the law:

    “My view on this is that Israel’s our ally, that we should support them, but you can’t police people for being anti-Israel or pro-Israel. You can police people for violating the law, and we have seen some of that with some of these protests.”

    “OK. So you agree that people who break in and vandalize the building should be prosecuted?”
    Collins then brought up Vance’s past support for the pro-Hair Furor insurrectionists who broke into the US Capitol on January 6.
    And Vance gave :::crickets:::

    State Republican legislators in Kansas failed to override Democrat Governor Laura Kelly’s veto of a proposed ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors; the vote was two votes shy of the necessary two-thirds majority.
    The vote in the House was expected to be close after LGBTQ+ rights advocates raised questions about whether the provision against promoting social transitioning is written broadly enough to apply to public school teachers who show empathy for transgender students.
    And that’s just a small taste of GOP lunacy ... dog killing liars, fearmongering liars, those in favor of child marriage so teens cannot get an abortion, book banning librarian jailers, those who are already saying the 2024 election is rigged, arming teachers, GOP hypocrisy, more liars about their military service … but there is some spots of Good News.
    pardoning traitors for political points; gibberish speakers; anti-military criminals; lunatics and Big Liars; Christian Nationalist Nazi sympathizers; party over country fools; unfit for political office; liars and flip-floppers; and Arizona.
    So what do we do if we want more Good News? We ...

  16. #2766
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    And on the not so cute side, Kristi Noem was attempting damage control yesterday and failing miserably. Believe me, hilarity abounded on CBS, where she rotated one lie sloppily into another. In her book she claims to have stared down Kim Dumb Chow of North Korea, but when pressed said that she wasn't going to go into specifics, but that she has met many world leaders. She is a horse's ass.

    And Timmy Scott was filling up his own diaper by refusing to say if he'd accepts a Trump loss in 2024. He refused 5 times. This desperate man is so full of shit, I'm surprised they make a diaper big enough to hold it all.

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  19. #2769
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    Elise Stefanik, frustrated by lack of media attention, announces plans to murder kitten.

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  22. #2772
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    So, yesterday Judge Merchan to the Spawn of Satan, Donald Trump, that he was seriously considering sending him to jail for his breaking the gag rule. I'm thinking that in Trump's addled brain he thinks he's far too privileged for this to ever happen, that should he have to spend some time behind bars his cultists would revolt and cause wide spread havoc. I don't think they would. Cultists are all bluster, no spine. They'll shriek and moan, and slap themselves around their heads until their silly, and do nothing except make empty threats. And think of the bright spots! For a short period of time, Trump would most likely lose his phone privileges, and he wouldn't be able to have his little press conferences or hold private fund raisers where he could call Democrats the Gestapo. Oh, and the world would probably get a chance to see him in an orange jumpsuit. And the Republican party would die.

  23. #2773
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    We Are Very Sorry To Hear About RFK Jr.’s Brain Worm And Mercury Poisoning

    MAY 8, 2024
    Holy god, this poor bastard has a medical history that makes him sound like one of Magellan’s sailors.
    From Esquire, by Charles P. Pierce:
    The New York Times took a deep dive on Tuesday into the medical history of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., whose raison d’etre as a presidential candidate is primarily based on crazy-assed Do Your Own Research vaccine denialism and the fact that the two major candidates are older than he is and, therefore, not up to the job, cognitively. Judging from the Times story, RFKJ needs to find himself some new raisons d’etre tout suite.
    Several doctors noticed a dark spot on the younger Mr. Kennedy’s brain scans and concluded that he had a tumor, he said in a 2012 deposition reviewed by The New York Times. Mr. Kennedy was immediately scheduled for a procedure at Duke University Medical Center by the same surgeon who had operated on his uncle, he said. While packing for the trip, he said, he received a call from a doctor at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital who had a different opinion: Mr. Kennedy, he believed, had a dead parasite in his head. The doctor believed that the abnormality seen on his scans “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Mr. Kennedy said in the deposition.
    Well, that sounds awful.
    For decades, Mr. Kennedy suffered from atrial fibrillation, a common heartbeat abnormality that increases the risk of stroke or heart failure. He has been hospitalized at least four times for episodes, although in an interview with The Times this winter, he said he had not had an incident in more than a decade and believed the condition had disappeared. About the same time he learned of the parasite, he said, he was also diagnosed with mercury poisoning, most likely from ingesting too much fish containing the dangerous heavy metal, which can cause serious neurological issues. “I have cognitive problems, clearly,” he said in the 2012 deposition. “I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me.”
    Mr. Kennedy said he was then subsisting on a diet heavy on predatory fish, notably tuna and perch, both known to have elevated mercury levels. In the interview with The Times, he said that he had experienced “severe brain fog” and had trouble retrieving words. Mr. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer who has railed against the dangers of mercury contamination in fish from coal-fired power plants, had his blood tested. He said the tests showed his mercury levels were 10 times what the Environmental Protection Agency considers safe.
    Brainworms? Poisoned fish? Holy Lord, this poor bastard has a medical history that makes him sound like one of Magellan’s sailors. How did he avoid scurvy?
    It’s easy to assume that the latter condition has played a serious role in his entire public life. His effort to clean up the country’s rivers concentrated heavily on the threat posed by mercury byproducts from coal-fired power plants. And, of course, his vaccine denialism began as a crusade against the mercury-based vaccine preservative Thiomersal, which was in fact removed from use by the Food and Drug Administration. Kennedy attached himself to the phantom threat of the preservative as a causal agent for autism, which discredited his warnings about mercury in vaccines generally.
    His medical history is now a legitimate topic for political discussion because he chose to engage in long-distance diagnoses of the president. Every one of his verbal stumbles and every moment of public forgetfulness is going to be counted against his fitness for office because that’s the field on which he’s chosen to compete. Personally now, I think he should stop with the YouTube calisthenics and the TikTok iron-pumping and accept the fact that he’s not that much younger than the president is.

  24. #2774
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    Can you hear me laughing? She was rather explicit in her testimony, so much so, that the judge seemed to seriously consider a mistrial. That would be a bad thing. While we all want to listen and laugh at the salacious details of her one night stand with the Orange Turd [[her words, not mine), her answers need to be specific to the question being asked. Verbal asides may be funny, but they do need to be pertinent to the case. Still, I'd say those Americans following Trump's election interference case, were quite satisfied to see his nose publicly rubbed in his own shit.

    Other things that popped up yesterday was the fact that the Orange Turd now has a campaign event during his son Barron's graduation. Wow. Like is that any surprise? Remember the big stink he raised about not being able to attend. In the eyes of the voting public, I suspect this hurts him worse than Stormy's testimony,.

    Also, in the Indiana primary, Nikki Haley took 22% of the vote. Those people who cast their ballots for her will not be voting for Trump in November.

  25. #2775
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  26. #2776
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    Yesterday Mocow Marge called up the resolution to oust Mike Johnson from the role of House Speaker and both sides of the aisle, in a rare display of bipartisanship booed Marge as she called up the resolution.
    Even better—because it shows Marge to be woefully out of her depth—as she recited the measure, Republicans lined up on the House floor to shake Johnson’s hand and pat him on the back. Then they voted 359-43-7 to table Greene’s motion to vacate because, well, she’s Putin's Puppet.

    I was a bit stunned by the volume, that so many Republicans joined the Democrats to vocalize their utter disdain for this blonde bimbo from Georgia. She did manage to get a little over 40 votes, including the disreputable Scotty Perry from Pennsylvania.

    Personally, I think this is representative of America's view of the far right conservative wing of the Republican party. They are losing elections. Their agenda is simple, an authoritarian government that says "shut up, we're in charge," because it's not about governing for them, it's about dictating. GOP officials already know they're going to lose in November, that's why Trump and his henchies have already begun to say they will not accept the results of the election. He, and the party he controls, have become a national embarrassment. This is something they will never be able to understand.
    Last edited by lakeside; 05-09-2024 at 10:12 AM.

  27. #2777
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    Hakeem Jeffries, House Minority Leader, warning that much more than abortion rights are at risk if Hair Furor gets a second term:

    “And the extreme MAGA Republicans have set in motion the erosion of reproductive freedom. We’re gonna fight for it with everything that we’ve got at our disposal. [But] if Roe v. Wade can fall, anything can fall. Social Security can fall. Medicare can fall. Voting rights can fall. And God help us all, but democracy itself can fall. If Roe v. Wade can fall, then anything can fall.”
    Including marriage equality and LGBTQ+ rights. So, if you don’t care about women, or the elderly, or the ill, or voting, or LGBTQ+ Americans, then vote for the traitor and then just wait until the GOP comes for rights YOU hold dear.
    But, if you believe imn freedoms and equality for all, and if you believe the money you’ve paid into Social Security for your whole life sis yours, and if you believe in healthcare and free and fair elections, the CAST A GODDAMNED BLUE VOTE.
    John Pavlovitz, a former youth pastor and author, known for his social and political writings from a liberal Christian perspective, on the GOP gun hypocrisy:

    “I’m glad so many Republicans are outrages by someone shooting a dog. Now, if they only could find the same visceral response to someone shooting school children, mall shoppers, worshippers, parade attendees, and workers.”
    It kinda looks like the GOP cares more about dogs than dead children?
    Jesse Watters, Fox News’ Tucker Fucker Carlson 2.0, saying Hair Furor would thrive in prison if Justice Juan Merchan locked him up for contempt:

    “[Hair Furor] is going to come out with a prison body. That’s what happens when you go to prison; you work out, that’s all there is to do.”
    Except when you’re a lazy gelatinous slob like Hair Furor who uses a golf cart to whisk him twenty yards. It sounds more like Jesse wants to meet Hair Furor in the showers and grab for the soap.
    Paul Ryan, former GOP House Speaker, saying he won’t vote for Hair Furor in November:

    “Character is too important for me. [The presidency] is a job that requires the kind of character [Hair Furor] doesn’t have. Democracy is being tested in two very specific ways. One within, with our polarization eating each other alive, [and] the second one is from [the outside], from authoritarian regimes who are basically saying they got the mojo, they can make the decisions faster, they can beat democracy.”
    First off, Paul Ryan and character is an oxymoron; he sold his soul to Hair Furor in 2016 gleefully. I will give him props for speaking out, but don’t say character is important when you carried water for a traitorous racist rapist.
    Kristi Noem, on her seemingly endless world tour to make people hate her:

    “What most people don’t realize is that in South Dakota they’ve used that story to attack me and my political campaigns for years. I wanted people to know the truth. This dog was vicious, it was dangerous, it was killing livestock for the joy of it and attacking people. I had a choice between keeping my family safe, I had little kids at the time, a very public business of inviting people out to come out and enjoy our hunting lodge and our business and I don’t pass my responsibilities off to anybody else. So that story’s in the book because I want people to know I’m honest and that when I have difficult jobs that I take responsibility of myself.”
    Funny, then, that in her book she says she “hated” Cricket because the dog was too hyper and distracting the hunting dogs. Not a world about being aggressive.
    The only aggressive rabid bitch in this story is Kristi “DogKiller” Noem.
    PS That’s Kristi with her old face and her new one.
    Geoff Duncan, former GOP Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, on his choice for president in November:

    “Unlike [Hair Furor], I’ve belonged to the GOP my entire life. This November, I am voting for a decent person I disagree with on policy over a criminal defendant without a moral compass.”
    One by one many in the GOP are coming out against a traitorous racist rapist con man. I like it.

  28. #2778
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  29. #2779
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    Stormy testified again yesterday. That woman is nobody's fool. She has painted so many terrible pictures I don't want to think about, scared they'd stick in my brain for ever, like Donald Trump in silk pajamas, or even worse, in boxer shorts. I probably shouldn't have written then, because now you'll think about them too, and those images will be stuck in your head for all of eternity.

    Of course, people are also talking about the Orange Anus and his meeting with the CEOs of the Big Oil companies... and the promise he made them, to gut the EPA, all for the price of a measly billion dollars. Reports say he said the money was to be used by his campaign, well, we know that's a lie. He has legal bills that ought to be paid and he's already using campaign funding for that purpose. And I say ought to be paid because he has a bad habit of not paying, if fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't offer them bonus points in lieu of payment.

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  31. #2781
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    Warning! - My Postings May Contain:

    violence, terrible grammar, gratuitous sex, strong odors, seed or plant porn, and quite possibly improper French

  32. #2782
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  33. #2783
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    The True Essence Of MAGA Defined In A Single Post Rally Photo

    Garbage. Pure and simple.

  34. #2784
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  35. #2785
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  36. #2786
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    Just when you think the members of the GOP couldn’t be more reprehensible, more faux-christian hypocritical, more lying POS, and more anti-women asshats, these bitches show up …

    Mike Collins, a Republican from Georgia, was described as “sick and deplorable” ... and I will add "vile and inhuman" after posting a disgusting Tweet about the reports that a worm had eaten part of Robert F Kennedy Jr‘s brain:

    His “joke” seems to refer either to the 1963 assassination of RFK’s uncle, former president John F Kennedy, or to RFK’s father, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, was also assassinated in 1968.
    That’s what passes for the GOP ... mocking people who were murdered.

    Marjorie Taylor-Greene has fired her District Director Travis Loudermilk after learning that the married father of two is being sued for adultery by his soon-to-be ex-wife, Sarah. Large Marge cut ties with Loudermilk out of fear that the story ‘made her look bad’ and that Loudermilk had become a ‘political liability.’
    You will recall that several years ago the Daily Mail accused Marge of multiple adulterous hookups, including a dalliance with a self-professed “tantric sex guru.” And these days Moscow Marge is dating a far-right reporter who, like MTG, ditched his spouse shortly before their relationship became public.
    With the GOP every accusation is an admission.

    In Kristi Noem News … the same day as her combative interview on Fox’s sister network, the South Dakota governor bailed on sitting down with Fox News host Greg Gutfeld because of bad weather. A source says that the governor’s team specifically cited a snowstorm in her home state of South Dakota.
    And, yes, while there was a winter weather advisory in the Black Hills, Kristi Noem was not in South Dakota, but was in New York City, having stayed there after appearing in-studio on Fox Business and Newsmax earlier in the day.
    So, for Liar Kristi Noem, a snowstorm in South Dakota means she cannot travel across town in New York for an interview? Does the woman lie about everything?

    Alabama’s GOP Senator Katie Britt has introduced a bill that would create a database for pregnant women.
    Sure, it also requires child support throughout pregnancy and creates a clearinghouse of adoption and anti-abortion pregnancy crisis centers to combat decreasing birth rates, but a database of pregnant women?
    Katie Britt is the same GOP asshat who recently denounced the idea of a database for gun owners.

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  41. #2791
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    And Michael Cohen was tooting his horn yesterday.

    Evidently there was some concern that he was going to come across as a jerk, since most people view fixers as the underbelly of the beast. Let's face it, working for the Orange Anus, Cohen has truly slithered his way through mountains shit. Evidently, nobody likes him, except possibly his family. He is not the loving Father Knows Best kind of guy. But, to the prosecution's relief he was pleasant and well prepared. he brought the receipts. Cohen knows where the bodies are buried, and he dug up a few yesterday.

    I'm also seeing a lot of consternation from people who are looking at the polls and seeing Biden behind in many. I find it fascinating that in many of these reports the cite how Trump over performed the polls in 2016, and how Democrats over performed in 2018, 2020, and really over performed in 2022. Remember 2022? When Republicans were predicted to smash whatever strength the Democrats had because, traditionally, the party that loses the presidency gains seats in both the congress and the senate in the next election. Ooops. Tradition was upended, so were the polls. The truth is that polls will never recover the accuracy they once had, but news sources are desperate to create drama in order to generate the number of clicks advertisers want to see. I hate to say this, but they are generating fake news, but it's not just Main Stream media, it's everybody. This is what happens when you abandon truth for advertising dollars.

  42. #2792
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    OMFG! It keeps getting worse for Rudy - and I could not be more thrilled.

    Actually, that's a lie. If he were locked up, I would be more thrilled. If he got hit by a locomotive, I'd be ecstatic.

    If he folded and told the truth on BLOTUS, I'd probably spontaneously ejaculate.

    Yeah - I said that

    ABC has suspended [[possibly fired) Guliani for continually repeating false election fraud nonsense on his radio show. The show that was basically his only source of income - reportedly at $400,000 a year.

    That amount is great for you and myself, but when you compare it to his $150MM+ dollars in debt....$400k a teardrop in an ocean.

    Now there are also reports that he told the brass he wants double the airtime and double the salary. I mean, he needs double the salary for sure, but....... I mean for fuck sake, it's AM radio. AM!!! Who the fuck is listening to that? No way advertisers are tossing money into that to make up the current salary he's making, let alone twice the amount.

    I think my favourite part of the story is he has a YouTube talk show that is called America's Mayor Live.


    Yeah - if the show ran from 2001-2004. Maybe.

    He doesn't get the irony of it all, which is just precious. But I assume he'd have legal issues if he called it "Pariah Carey".

    Now, I haven't gone to the YouTube channel, so I haven't seen the comments [[should they have that function still turned on his site) because, how could people not troll the shit out of him.

    The dude was trying to sell his NYC and Florida residences for $$$, but no bidders. Why would there be? I mean, that spirit cleaning lady from Poltergeist can only do so much.

    Oh - and a bankruptcy court called him out last week too. For someone who is "bankrupt", he is on a budget of something like $43,000 per month! He's spending $120,000.

    First off, how does he even have $43k, let alone $120?? Per month!

    Secondly, one of his expenses is $13,500 monthly nursing home fees for his ex-wive's [[not sure which one) mother - who died two months ago.

    Now, my mom had a decent place and good car in hers. but it was only one-third of what Rudy's ex mom-in-law was spending. But since that's not an expense anymore, why isn't his budget $13,500 less than the current $43,000?

    It's all smoke and mirror anyway, since he's not sticking to the budget in the first place. Interested to see what, if anything, the courts do on this.

    I do not have one iota of sympathy in my being for this man. He's as vile as the man with whom he's been starring in their own version of Human Centipede for the last eight years.

    Like Von ShitzhisPants - just die already.

  43. #2793
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    Flirting with Disaster

    MAY 15, 2024
    No one will be insulated from the ravages of a second Trump term.
    From The Bulwark, by Mona Charen:
    IN DECEMBER 2022, DONALD TRUMP said something that, in a healthy political culture, would have spelled his doom. Referring to his lie that the 2020 election was stolen, he wrote, “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”
    All rules, regulations, and articles must be terminated for his sake. That is not the language of populism, that is aspiring despotism. The Constitution itself must be cashiered if it stands in the way of his ego and his power. There it is, in black and white, Trump’s direct assault on the foundation of the republic.
    And how many Republicans announced after this that they could no longer in good conscience support Trump? How many went on record promising, as Liz Cheney did a year later, that they would do everything in their power to ensure that he never came near the Oval Office again? I counted one. John Bolton, Trump’s former national security advisor, said the post was “disqualifying” and that all GOP candidates should issue “Shermanesque” statements to that effect. A few other Republicans mildly disagreed, but didn’t go so far as to say that trashing the Constitution was beyond the pale
    We are staring down the possibility of putting someone back in power who has demonstrated that he is willing to use informal violence to achieve his anti-democratic ends. He attempted a coup with a mob of enraged zealots. How tragically foolish must you be to give him the power to wield formal, state-sanctioned violence? Think the president hasn’t the power? Read the Insurrection Act.
    Those who are soothing themselves that a second Trump presidency wouldn’t be so bad are recalling the first term incorrectly. The reason Trump was unable to order that border crossers be shot in the legs, or that the IRS conduct audits of his foes, or that the United States withdraw from NATO, or that the military shoot rioters after George Floyd’s murder, or that the Justice Department lie about election results, or any of the myriad other crimes, outrages, or stupidities the former president contemplated was that his own hires talked him out of things or slow-walked them until Trump’s goldfish attention turned elsewhere.
    In a second term, those officials would be gone. As his former chief of staff John Kelly put it, “The lesson the former president learned from his first term is don’t put guys like me . . . in those jobs. The lesson he learned was to find sycophants.”
    Those sycophants are lining up. Applicants to work at the Republican National Committee right now must aver that the 2020 election was stolen. The whole party must be a cult. How much worse will it be if the cult leader is crowned with success by the voters? The Republicans who were brave enough to resist Trump’s illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional demands the first time around will be loath to reprise their acts if perceived “enemies of the state” are being audited by the IRS, harassed by the FBI, indicted by a Trumpified DOJ, or worse.
    The foreign policy implications of electing Trump are just as frightening. He disrupted key American alliances in NATO and East Asia in his first term, but would destroy them in a second term. Without the U.S. security guarantee, nations around the globe would rush to acquire their own nuclear stockpiles. Trump would reward Putin’s aggression by abandoning Ukraine, which would whet Putin’s appetite for the Baltics, Xi’s appetite for Taiwan, and God only knows what other aggressors’ plans.
    Those are the stakes. It is tragic and shameful that so many fail to see it.

  44. #2794
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    Michael Cohen did testify yesterday. Was he brutally honest? Well, he was brutal. I understand that the Orange Anus sat with his eyes closed throughout his testimony. For someone like Trump who demands the ultimate in loyalty, this would have been the ultimate betrayal. Cohen admitted he hates Trump, and that he did want revenge, but wanting revenge doesn't mean lying. Sometimes the sweetest revenge is in the simplest of truths. Honesty is a virtue and everyone admits that Cohen has admitted there is little that is virtuous in his life. Is he doing this for the betterment of America? Possibly. Mostly, however, he's doing it for payback. Was he corrupted by Trump? To some extent, but then for someone as evil as Trump, corrupting the weak is oh, so very easy. Will the jury side with Cohen, we can only hope they're smarter than the Orange Anus.

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    Of course, everyone seems to be talking about the debates, 2 of them, without an audience. Oooh, that's not good for the Morale Degenerate Trump, he loves him his cultists noising it up when he burbles up some lie. However, that's not going to happen. There's not going to be a small crowd of Cracker Jack crazies to whom he turn and mug. Personally, even though he has agreed to the debates, I wouldn't doubt if talks fall apart because his team knows he might suddenly start ranting about... oh, say Hannibal Lecter. Every day it seems as if another four or five clips are added of him meandering off topic to brag about... oh, water for instance rather than speak about a coherent subject. Somehow, I don't think he has a lot of sunshine on his shoulders these days.

  48. #2798
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    'Don't come home until your d!@k is wet.' Sex scandal involving Moms for Liberty founder heats up again.

    According to a report, Moms for Liberty founder Bridget Ziegler would get her husband to go in search of women they could engage in threesomes with. Her instructions included "Don't come home until your dick is wet."

    The sex scandal involving Moms For Liberty founder Bridget Ziegler and her husband Christian is heating up again.
    From Florida Politics:
    Ousted Republican Party of Florida Chair Christian Ziegler acknowledged in court he kept numerous videos of sexual partners besides his wife. The revelation come during a hearing on a now-closed investigation as the former politician as he and wife Bridget, a Sarasota County School Board member, seek to keep further details of their sex life private. The couple has sued the Sarasota Police Department and 12th Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office to stop the further release of his personal data.
    Sarasota Police have copies of much of the videos Christian Ziegler references as part of some 30,000 videos downloaded from Ziegler’s iPhone last year. Authorities obtained the entire contents after serving a search warrant connected to an investigation whether Ziegler raped a woman or filmed a sexual encounter without permission.
    Ziegler was never arrested, with police ultimately concluding that sex with the Sarasota woman leveling the accusation was “likely consensual” and prosecutors ultimately determining they lacked evidence to pursue a video voyeurism charge. Communications from the phone confirmed multiple encounters between Ziegler and the woman dating back years, including threesomes with Bridget. Now wait a minute.
    Hold your shock because it gets more detailed. Apparently when she was not busy accusing schools, teachers, books, and LGBTQ folks of "sexually grooming" children, Mrs. Ziegler was allegedly coordinating threesomes with her husband by getting him to prowl bars, take pictures of women, and then send her the photos. That's from a report obtained by The Florida Trident:

    The report, obtained by the Florida Trident and authored by Sarasota police Det. Angela Cox, recounts how Christian Ziegler went “on the prowl” in bars for women to bring home to Bridget, a Sarasota County School Board member who has backed a number of anti-LGBTQ measures at both the state and local level, for threesome encounters. While at the bars, Christian would surreptitiously photograph prospective women and text the photos to Bridget for approval, according to the report.
    Investigators found “numerous sexual videos” on Christian Ziegler’s phone involving the couple and other women, according to Cox’s report. The detective noted that it wasn’t clear if the women in the videos knew they were being recorded or not. “There were numerous text messages between Bridget and Christian where they are on the prowl for a female and Bridget is directing him to numerous different bars in search of a female that they are both interested in,” Cox wrote of the Ziegler phone contents.
    “During these conversations Christian is secretly taking photographs of women in the bars and sending them to Bridget asking her if she wants this one or that one. Bridget is telling him to pretend to take pictures of his beer, so they don’t see him taking pictures of them. She tells him ‘Don’t come home until your dick is wet.’”

    I'm the last person to moralize [[although taking pictures of anyone for the alleged purposes stated in the article is tacky as hell), so this isn't about sex. It's about hypocrisy of an extreme level. As much as I hate to generalize, there is something to the claim that if you "scratch" a far-right conservative moralizer, you're bound to find a sex fiend. It amazes me how certain folk gripe about society's decaying moral, accuse schools and books of sexually grooming children, or scapegoat LGBTQ people and culture while secretly engaging conduct in which would make my hair turn white. It would be funny if it didn't piss me off when I consider how many innocent people - especially school administrators and teachers - were branded as pedophiles and groomers. Or how many LGBTQ kids lost access to vital resources.
    It's really not funny at all.

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  50. #2800
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    Yesterday, Donald Trump went to his son Barron's graduation, not so much, I think, because he wanted to, but more so because he opened his mouth and whined about it during his election interference trial. I wonder how many in that graduating class were happy to have such a well known Moral Degenerate amongst them. I wonder if he had a team handing out little MAGA hats. I didn't check, but I don't doubt he did some sort of mini press conference to lie about his trial.

    Though, more people were talking about Alito and his upside down flag, and even more were talking about how, whenever hard right conservatives get into trouble they blame their wives. The fact that he said she hung the flag upside down indicates she was for the insurrection is made even saltier by his claiming she was upset by a neighbor's sign that said Fuck Trump. Alito is bad. He needs to be impeached.


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